Extended Data Fig. 7. Changes in species joint niche marginality between current (1981-2010) and future (2031–2070).
Data are based on the UKESM1-0-LL Global Circulation Model and IPCC Shared Socioeconomic Pathway SSP 5-8.5. Numbers of species in four groups, with (left column) conditions currently within trailing edge niche marginality in COST full member countries; (middle column, dark green and yellow in Fig. 3) number of species with trailing niche marginality in the future time period; (right column, corresponding to red and orange in Fig. 3) number of species losing suitable climatic conditions between the current and future periods. Original data are at the level of 1 km2 pixels, but here the data are aggregated to 10 km × 10 km pixels to improve visualization. The highest value within this 100 km2 area is displayed. Values are for (a, b, c) amphibian species, (d, e, f) species of large birds, (g, h, i) several large carnivorans, and (j, k, l) a collection of forest tree species. Calculation of change in number of species with marginal niche conditions was based on species maps (Appendices S3-6, Supplemental Materials). See Extended Data Table 1 for species identities. See Methods for details on the calculation of climatic niche marginality for species and the filtering of pixels with a CORINE land cover layer.