Figure 4.
Estimated glomerular filtration rate distributions in men and women at baseline, visit prior to and time of probable departure from the healthy estimated glomerular filtration rate distribution, along with extended follow-up, stratified by those participants who experience departure from the healthy estimated glomerular filtration rate distribution during follow-up. Probable departure from the healthy estimated glomerular filtration rate distribution [departure from ∼eGFR(healthy)] was defined as a joint probability of >50% of transitioning from a healthy to unhealthy state since the previous study visit. Visit of departure from ∼eGFR(healthy) varies by participant. The group not experiencing departure from ∼eGFR(healthy) includes only participants estimated to be in a healthy state throughout follow-up. Last visit was the latest attended visit with an hidden Markov model estimate (up to Visit 8 for Cohort 1 or Visit 4 for Cohort 2). Extended follow-up, latest of Visits 9 and 10 (Cohort 1 only). Where an individual’s departure from ∼eGFR(healthy) or pre-departure from ∼eGFR(healthy) visit coincides with the baseline or last visit, the data point is included in both categories for the purposes of this figure. Number of observations in each group is indicated across the top of the figure. eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate