Absence of behavioral responses to pattern-violating stimuli. A, (Left) Example frames of a mouse running (top), and of a mouse pupil with tracking markers (bottom). (Right) Running velocity and pupil diameter traces aggregated across mice (mean ± SEM across Gabor sequences) for pattern-matching (gray) and pattern-violating (red) sequences. Note that the smaller SEM is due to the greater number of pattern-matching sequences, compared to pattern-violating ones. Dashed vertical lines mark onset of D/U images. B, Block-by-block running velocity (left) and pupil diameter (right) differences between pattern-violating (U-G) and pattern-matching (D-G) images. Raw two-tailed p-values (not corrected for multiple comparisons) are printed in the panel, whereas corrected p-values are reported in Table 1. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. See Table 1 for details of statistical tests and precise p-values for all comparisons.