a, Scatter plot and regression line show the positive association between the depths of co-diversifying bacterial clades based on protein divergence of bac120 single-copy core genes and the known ages of their corresponding host clades based on timetree.org (df = 204; t = 6.03; unadjusted p-value = 7.36e-09). Each point corresponds to a co-diversifying bacterial clade. b–d, Scatter plots show relationships for Firmicutes (df = 72; t = 8.58; unadjusted p-value = 9.16e-11) (b), Actinobacteriota (df = 11; t = 2.25; unadjusted p-value = 0.046) (c), and Bacteroidota (df = 91; t = 4.38, unadjusted p-value = 3.17e-05) (d). Colours denote bacterial phyla as in Fig. 1b. In a–d, bands represent 99% confidence intervals, centre lines indicate best-fit regression, and p-values represent results of two-sided Student’s t-tests..