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. 2023 Dec 31;12(2):78–89. doi: 10.51329/mehdiophthal1473

Table 3.

Outcomes of the Q value-based nomogram in adult group with keratoconus

Variable Preoperative Six month postoperative Difference (post - pre) P -value
Mean ± SD
Median (Range)
Mean ± SD
Median (Range)
Mean (95 % CI)
UDVA 1.11 ± 0.31
1.1 (0.6 to 1.7)
0.55 ± 0.21
0.5 (0.2 to 1.1)
-0.56 (-0.66 – -0.46)  < 0.001
CDVA 0.57 ± 0.17
0.5 (0.3 to 0.9)
0.17 ± 0.14
0.1 (0.0 to 0.7)
-0.40 (-0.46 – -0.34)  < 0.001
Sphere -4.12 ± 1.33
-3.5 (-6.8 to -2.0)
-1.05 ± 0.75
-1 (-3.3 to -0.3)
3.07 (2.69 – 3.45)  < 0.001
Cylinder -3.15 ± 1.78
-3.0 (-7.8 to -0.50)
-2.45 ± 1.34
-2 (-6.5 to -0.5)
0.70 (0.23 – 1.18) 0.004
SE -5.69 ± 1.57
-4.9 (-8.0 to -2.5)
-2.28 ± 1.03
-2.3 (-4.9 to -0.9)
3.42 (2.96 – 3.88)  < 0.001
K1 46.20 ± 2.26
45.6 (43.2 to 52.4)
43.06 ± 2.43
42.9 (36.5 to 50.2)
-3.14 (-3.60 – -2.67)  < 0.001
K2 49.49 ± 2.84
44.9 (40.4 to 51.2)
45.49 ± 2.84
44.9 (40.4 to 51.2)
-4.05 (-4.67 – -3.43)  < 0.001
Kaverage 47.87 ± 2.36
47.1 (44.5 to 53.4)
44.27 ± 2.52
44.2 (38.6 to 50.7)
-3.60 (-4.06 – -3.13)  < 0.001
Kmax 55.07 ± 4.38
54.4 (46.7 to 65.6)
49.82 ± 4.36
49.6 (42.8 to 61.5)
-5.26 (-6.57 – -3.95)  < 0.001
TCT 439.30 ± 34.48
439.0 (384.0 to 516.0)
443.06 ± 33.12
439.0 (386.0 to 509.0)
3.75 (-0.18 – 7.69) 0.06
Q-ant -0.96 ± 0.31
-0.9 (-1.5 to -0.6)
-0.41 ± 0.33
0.4 (-1.3 to -0.0)
0.55 (-0.42 – 0.67)  < 0.001
Q-post -1.16 ± 0.31
-1.2 (-1.8 to -0.5)
-1.13 ± 0.37
-1.2 (-1.8 to -0.2)
0.03 (-0.05 – 0.11) 0.44

Abbreviations: Post, postoperative values at 6 months; Pre, preoperative values; SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval; UDVA, uncorrected distance visual acuity; CDVA, corrected distance visual acuity; Sphere, spherical component of refractive error; Cylinder, cylindrical component of refractive error; SE, spherical equivalent of refractive error calculated as sphere + 1/2 cylinder; K1, front keratometry in flat meridian; K2, front keratometry in steep meridian; Kaverage, front mean keratometry; Kmax, front maximum keratometry; TCT, thinnest corneal thickness; Q-ant, asphericity of the anterior corneal surface; Q-post, asphericity of the posterior corneal surface. Note: P-values < 0.05 are shown in bold; Adult group included patients aged ≥ 18 years with intolerance to spectacles and gas permeable contact lenses, stable keratoconus for at least one year (Kmax remained < 1 diopter [D]), grade 1 and 2 Amsler– Krumeich classification (A-K; Kaverage ≤ 48 D with < - 5 D myopia and astigmatism, 48 – 53 D with 5 – 8 D myopia and astigmatism, respectively) [13]. The cone asymmetry was type 1 and type 2 (100% and 80% of the cones were on one side of the steepest meridian, respectively), and the TCT should be > 380 μm.