between DOM composition and eaq– bimolecular
rate constant. (A) Correlation kDOM,e–aq and
% carbonyl carbon as determined by 13C NMR
and reported by the IHSS. Markers refer to values derived from the
slope of first-order rate constants vs [DOM] (e.g., Figure 1C), and error bars refer to
the standard error of the slope (majority of error bars are within
markers). Marker color represents terrestrial (brown) and aquatic
isolates (blue). SRNOM data represent SRNOM I for carbonyl % and SRNOM
II for kDOM,e–aq. All other IHSS catalog numbers
match exactly. Experiments conducted at 22 ± 2 °C, pH 7.0
± 0.1, and 10.0 mM dibasic phosphate buffer. (B) Bimolecular
rate constants between model organic compounds and eaq– from literature sources (accessed via