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[Preprint]. 2024 Jan 29:2024.01.24.577099. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.01.24.577099

Figure 1: Generation of clone and yeast resource for cancer gene promoters.

Figure 1:

(A) Schematic of the Gateway-compatible cancer gene promoter resource. Cancer genes were selected from the Cancer Gene Census as well as genes dysregulated in cancer. An entry clone resource of 700 promoters (556 genes) was generated as well as a yeast integrant resource corresponding to 508 promoters (426 genes). This yeast resource was tested in eY1H and pY1H assays for TF-DNA interactions. (B) Venn diagram of the number of oncogenes (OG), tumor suppressor genes (TSG) and genes involved in fusions for which yeast integrants were generated. (C) Violin plots correspond to the distribution of the number of publications per gene included in the entry clone resource, the yeast integrant collection, and the yeast integrants tested by eY1H/pY1H. (D) Number of genes associated with different biological functions for genes included in the entry clone resource, the yeast integrant collection, and the yeast integrants tested by eY1H/pY1H. (E) Number of genes associated with different cancer types among those in the set of entry clones, yeast integrants, and tested by eY1H assays.