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[Preprint]. 2024 May 15:2024.02.04.578811. Originally published 2024 Feb 4. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2024.02.04.578811

Figure 2 |. RSC neurons are modulated over TFC extinction in psilocybin- and saline-administered mice.

Figure 2 |

a. Representative image of AAV8-syn-GCaMP8m-WPRE expression (green) and nuclei (grey) in RSC under GRIN lens tract. b. Cell masks of imaged neurons during one session from same mouse. c. Image of behavioral set-up during an extinction session. Example frame of freezing mouse. d. Example traces of neurons recorded during behavior in dF/F in same mouse. e. Left: Representative image from Ca2+-imaging video in the same mouse. Right: Cell masks of each recorded neuron in each session, overlayed with masks of longitudinally registered cells. f. Left: Percent of time freezing during each trial in responders (n=7 mice), non-responders (n=7 mice), and saline mice (n=7 mice). Two-Way ANOVA. (Supp. Table 1, rows 16-20) Right: Extinction rate. Unpaired t-test. (Supp. Table 1, row 21). g. Average activity in each neuron over all trials from each session, normalized to baseline before one onset and aligned to shock. Top: Responders (n=460 neurons), Top middle: Non-responders (n=357 neurons), Bottom middle: rapid saline (n=241 neurons), Bottom: slow saline (n=116 neurons). h. Top: Number of unique cells accepted over all sessions in each animals. Bottom: Number of longitudinally registered neurons in each animal. i. Example traces of tone-, trace-, shock, and tone+trace-responsive neurons (top to bottom). Vertical scale bar = 2dF/F, horizontal scale bar = 5 sec. j. Fraction of tone-responsive cells in each group over each day. Two-Way RM ANOVA. (Supp. Table 1, row 22) k. Fraction of trace-responsive cells in each group over each day. Two-Way RM ANOVA. (Supp. Table 1, row 23) L. Fraction of shock/omission-responsive cells in each group over each day. Two-Way RM ANOVA. (Supp. Table 1, row 24) m. Fraction of one-responsive neurons that are also trace-responsive cells in each group over each day. Two-Way RM ANOVA. (Supp. Table 1, row 25) n. Fraction of one-responsive cells that are one-responsive for 1-5 days in each animal. Two-Way RM ANOVA. (Supp. Table 1, row 26) o. Fraction of trace-responsive cells that are trace-responsive for 1-5 days in each animal. Two-Way RM ANOVA. (Supp. Table 1, row 27) p. Average freezing encoding of neurons in each group over each day (auROC, Two-Way ANOVA). (Supp. Table 1, row 28) q. Representative traces of freezing-encoding neurons in 1 animal sorted from greatest to least (bottom to top) auROC. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. * p ≤ 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001.