A) Representative IF imaging of a single uninfected adult and pediatric HNO-ALI. Basal cells are stained in red by Krt5, mucus in green by Muc5AC, and cellular nuclei are stained in blue by DAPI. B) Mucous area was modeled using the following factors: the interaction of days post-infection (dpi) and HNO age, the interaction of age and viral infection, and the interaction of dpi and virus. Forest plot of the adjusted relative risk with 95% confidence interval of having higher mucous area in pediatric vs adult HNO-ALIs. Adjusted risk ratio estimates and their associated 95% confidence intervals are represented by dots and T-bars, respectively. Scale bar is 100 μm. C) The area of mucus (Muc5AC+ area) in adult compared to pediatric HNO-ALIs infected with RSV/A/ON (red) and RSV/B/BA (blue) at 5 and 8 dpi. D) Adjusted relative risk of higher mucus (Muc5AC) area in mock compared to viral infection in combined adult and pediatric HNOs. E) Percentage of goblet cells (Muc5AC+ cells with DAPI+ nuclei over total number of DAPI+ cells) in adult compared to pediatric HNO-ALIs at 5 and 8 dpi. F) Goblet cell percentage data was modeled using the following factors: the interaction of age and virus as well as the interaction of day and virus. Adjusted odds ratio estimates and their associated 95% confidence intervals are represented by dots and T-bars, respectively.