Figure 1.
Experimental design of the fetal programming model. A, Fetal programming model. Female rats were randomized and were exposed to two dietary formulas: Control chow or CAF diet for a total of 9 weeks, including 3 weeks before pregnancy, 3 weeks during pregnancy, and until weaning. Rats were mated with 12- to14-weeks-old Wistar males, 300–350 g. After weaning offspring was swift to control chow diet to follow the behavioral tests. B, Timeline of behavioral tests used in every male offspring F1, F2, and F3. CAF, cafeteria diet; CON, chow diet; OF, open field test; NSFT, novelty suppressed feeding test; LDB, light–dark box test; EM, elevated maze. C, Graphical representation of the maternal programming model design to study the transgenerational effect of maternal diet illustrating the intergenerational inherence (F1–F2) and transgenerational inherence (F1–F3).