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. 2024 Feb 13;21(2):e1004338. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004338

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study participants from the NutriNet-Santé cohort, 2009–2021 (N = 92,000).

Sex-specific tertiles of total emulsifier intakesa
Overall Low intake Medium intake High intake p-valueb
Number of participants 92,000 30,667 30,666 30,667
Age (years), Mean (SD) 44.5 (14.5) 46.2 (14.7) 44.9 (14.6) 42.5 (13.9) <0.001
Women, N (%) 72,270 (78.6) 24,090 (78.6) 24,090 (78.6) 24,090 (78.6)
Height (cm), Mean (SD) 166.7 (8.1) 166.3 (8.1) 166.5 (8.1) 167.3 (8.2) <0.001
    Missing values, N (%) 789 (0.01) 261 (0.01) 228 (0.01) 300 (0.01)
BMI (kg/m 2 ), Mean (SD) 23.7 (4.4) 23.6 (4.4) 23.7 (4.4) 23.8 (4.6) <0.001
    Missing values, N (%) 789 (0.01) 261 (0.01) 228 (0.01) 300 (0.01)
Family history of cancer, N (%) 29,679 (32.6) 10,324 (34.1) 9,990 (32.9) 9,365 (30.8) <0.001
    Missing values, N (%) 950 (0.01) 387 (0.01) 271 (0.01) 292 (0.01)
Education level, N (%) <0.001
    Less than high school degree 14,917 (16.3) 5,520 (18.2) 5,023 (16.5) 4,374 (14.4)
    <2 years after high school 14,172 (15.5) 4,961 (16.3) 4,664 (15.3) 4,547 (14.9)
    ≥2 years after high school 62,156 (68.1) 19,911 (65.5) 20,731 (68.2) 21,514 (70.7)
    Missing values, N (%) 755 (0.01) 275 (0.01) 248 (0.01) 232 (0.01)
Smoking status, N (%) <0.001
    Never 41,776 (45.4) 12,814 (41.8) 14,068 (45.9) 14,894 (48.6)
    Former smoker 37,500 (40.8) 13,032 (42.5) 12,668 (41.3) 11,800 (38.5)
    Current smoker 12,686 (13.8) 4,805 (15.7) 3,921 (12.8) 3,960 (12.9)
    Missing values, N (%) 38 (<0.001) 16 (<0.001) 9 (<0.001) 13 (<0.001)
IPAQ physical activity level, N (%) <0.001
    Low 25,836 (32.5) 9,074 (34.4) 8,693 (32.5) 8,069 (30.5)
    Moderate 34,399 (43.2) 11,211 (42.5) 11,527 (43.1) 11,661 (44.0)
    High 19,364 (24.3) 6,090 (23.1) 6,527 (24.4) 6,747 (25.5)
    Missing values, N (%) 12,401 (13.5) 4,292 (14) 3,919 (12.8) 4,190 (13.7)
Number of biological children, Mean (SD) 1.3 (1.2) 1.3 (1.2) 1.3 (1.2) 1.2 (1.2) <0.001
Baseline menopausal status, N (%) <0.001
    Post-menopausal 17,679 (24.5) 6,828 (28.3) 6,095 (25.3) 4,756 (19.7)
    Pre-menopausal 54,591 (75.5) 17,262 (71.7) 17,995 (74.7) 19,334 (80.3)
Use of hormonal treatment for menopause, N (%) 3,204 (3.5) 1,215 (4) 1,102 (3.6) 887 (2.9) <0.001
Use of oral contraception, N (%) 20,384 (22.2) 5,993 (19.5) 6,786 (22.1) 7,605 (24.8) <0.001
Energy intake without alcohol (kcal/d), Mean (SD) 1,836.4 (443.8) 1,705.2 (411.7) 1,824.5 (406.9) 1,979.5 (466.9) <0.001
Alcohol intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 7.9 (11.7) 8.6 (13) 7.9 (11.4) 7.2 (10.7) <0.001
Total lipid intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 81.8 (24.8) 75.7 (23.5) 81.3 (23.1) 88.4 (26.1) <0.001
Sodium intake (mg/d), Mean (SD) 2,726.1 (870.7) 2,576.5 (866.1) 2,738.3 (835.2) 2,863.5 (886.2) <0.001
Fibre intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 19.5 (7.1) 19.3 (7.8) 19.3 (6.7) 19.9 (6.8) <0.001
Sugar intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 92.9 (32.6) 82.9 (31) 91.9 (29.3) 104 (33.8) <0.001
Fruit and vegetable intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 408.5 (218) 421.9 (237.1) 403.1 (205.4) 400.4 (209.4) <0.001
Wholegrain food intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 34.4 (45.4) 38.1 (50.8) 33.7 (42.7) 31.3 (42) <0.001
Total dairy intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 198.1 (147) 187.8 (148.5) 199.6 (142.6) 206.9 (149.2) <0.001
Red and processed meat intake (g/d), Mean (SD) 101.9 (59.3) 99.8 (62.6) 101.8 (57.1) 104.2 (58) <0.001
Ultra-processed food intake (% daily weight intake), Mean (SD) 17.2 (9.6) 14.2 (8.9) 17.3 (8.9) 20.2 (10.0) <0.001
Total emulsifier intake (mg/d), Mean (SD) 4,275.2 (3,080.1) 1,524.6 (720.5) 3,687.1 (645) 7,614 (2,909.7) <0.001

a Cut-offs for total emulsifier intakes 2,701.3 and 5,162.5 mg/d in men and 2,618.5 and 4,790.6 mg/d in women.

b Obtained from χ2 tests for categorical variables and ANOVA tests for continuous variables.

ANOVA, analysis of variance; BMI, body mass index; IPAQ, International Physical Activity Questionnaire.

Contributions of individual food additive emulsifiers to intakes of total emulsifiers, absolute intakes of emulsifiers (in mg/d), and correlations between intakes of individual emulsifiers are presented in Fig 2 and Table 2, and eFigure A in S1 Appendix, respectively. A total of 32 individual emulsifiers were consumed by <5% of the included participants and were therefore not studied individually in relation to cancer risk (Table 2). These emulsifiers were, however, included in the calculations of total and groups of emulsifier intakes. Finally, dietary sources of total emulsifiers were varied, with main contributors including processed fruits and vegetables, cakes and biscuits, and dairy products (Fig 3, eTable A). eTable B in S1 Appendix provides mean intakes of each emulsifier in each category of intake, and category cut-offs are provided in footnotes to eTable B in S1 Appendix.