Quick access to health facilities |
Data security and privacy |
Saving time for doctors and patients |
High cost of infrastructure |
Reducing the cost of multiple visits to the doctor |
Lack of available equipment such as high-speed internet |
Reducing the spread of disease |
Lack of training, lack of skilled labor |
Using the patient information bank to check the process of disease improvement |
Lack of a comprehensive and complete physical examination |
Ease of exchange of laboratory results, radiology images |
The possibility of a decrease in the quality of healthcare |
Improving the provision of medical services to rural and remote areas |
The possibility of technical problems during the examination |
Exchange of new medical findings between doctors around the world |
Data accuracy and misdiagnosis |
Having the support of medical specialists, nursing, or psychological team at any time |
Uncertainty of patient eligibility for telecare (may require in-person care) |
Reducing stress and prolonged hospitalizations |
Absence of specific instructions for the person who is responsible for damages |