Fig. 1.
TTO analysis of SSIBs reported for each GLP-1 RA. Reported TTO analysis and duration of treatment of SSIB associated with a liraglutide, b semaglutide, c dulaglutide, and d exenatide. Black diamonds represent the TTO of SSIBs following the administration of GLP-1RAs, while gray bars indicate the duration of GLP-1 treatment for each case. Due to limitations in data availability, the duration of therapy could only be plotted for a subset of the cases. Goodness-of-fit test of SSIB associated with e liraglutide, f semaglutide, g dulaglutide, and h exenatide. Positioned above the plot is the quantile boxplot. The green bars correspond to the case number of occurrences within the distribution, while the green line represents the fitted curve for the model exhibiting the most optimal outcomes. we adopted log-normal distribution to describe the latency of liraglutide and exenatide, gamma distribution for semaglutide, and Weibull distribution for dulaglutide. The raw data of TTO analysis in the 52 valid cases can be found in Additional file 1: Table S7. TTO, time-to-onset; SSIBs, Suicidal and Self-Injurious Behaviors; GLP-1 RA, GLP-1 receptor agonist