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. 2024 Jan 3;15(2):e03109-23. doi: 10.1128/mbio.03109-23


Genetic variations in each population: SNPs, multiple nucleotide polymorphisms (MNPs), and insertions and deletions (indels)

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4
Total # unique SNPs/ MNPs 4,592 1,972 1,638 31
# SNPs/ MNPs separating most divergent isolates 611 326 150 8
Non-synonymous SNPs/ MNPs 2,803 1,294 1,024 24
Synonymous SNPs/ MNPs 1248 484 425 5
SNPs in non-coding regions 541 194 189 2
Total # indels 498 307 330 14
Indels in non-coding regions 204 99 115 2