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. 2017 Aug 29;6:294. doi: 10.4102/ajod.v6i0.294


Pertinent frameworks in relation to the community health worker programme.

Date of inception or implementation 2008 2004 2004 2002
Stipend Not applicable CHWs are paid an allowance.
R500 for NQF Levels 1, 2, 3
R1000 for NQF Level 4 qualification
CHWs to receive a stipend. Amount and pay point differs from province to province. Reported hours that CHWs work indicate that they should be salaried. The amount should be aligned to a national standard.
Formal growth pathway Growth pathway is achieved by completing NQF levels. The EPWP will up-skill volunteers without Matric to NQF Level 3 and those with Matric up to NQF Level 4. Volunteers were absorbed into the programme as Generalist CHWs. There is no current growth pathway for CHWs to qualify with a higher rank. Not applicable.
Conditions of employment Not applicable Conditions stipulated in job offer and work contract. Work 40 h in a 5 day week, but only earn a stipend that is dependent on the province they work in and not a national standard. Conditions stipulated in job offer and work contract. Work 40 h in a 5 day week, but only earn a stipend that is dependent on the province they work in and not on a national standard. National standard is established, to which all employers must adhere to.
Formal job title and status NQF L1: Ancillary Health Worker
NQF L2&L3: Community Care Worker
NQF L4: Community Health Worker
Community Health Worker is used as formal title, and individuals are considered as employees. Individuals can volunteer and are unpaid for the programme. Community Health Worker is the formal title, but there are still other titles such as ‘Community Care Giver’, ‘Home-Based Carer’ and ‘uNompilo’ being used.
Individuals can volunteer and can be unpaid for the programme.
CHWs are considered employees.
Not applicable.
Supervision Not applicable CHW supervisors are allocated a team of CHWs. An ‘Outreach Nurse’ fulfils both the role of a nurse and CHW supervisor at the CHC. A ward councillor also supervises CHWs. Not applicable.

NQF, National Qualifications Framework; EPWP, Expanded Public Works Programme; NCHWPF, National Community Health Worker Policy Framework; BCEA, Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act. No. 11 of 2002; CHW, Community Health Worker; CHC, Community Health Centre.