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. 2024 Feb 14;25:55. doi: 10.1186/s12882-024-03478-1

Table 4.

Characteristics of studies on diagnostic accuracy of chronic kidney disease

Reference Location Population Selection Criteria Study Timeframe Sample Size Gold-Standard Definition of Kidney Disease Diagnostic Tool for Kidney Disease Sensitivity & Specificity Additional Notes
Current Study Western New York Outpatient data with two valid serum creatinine 2016–2021 315,903 KDOQI based on eGFR w/o race 29 ICD-10 Codes 50.3, 95.88 Gold-Standard based on 2 eGFR measures
Paik, 2021 [4] Harvard Medical School Outpatient lab values 2016–2018 373,220 Lab-based eGFR within pre-specified windows 3 ICD-10 Codes - PPV > 80%
Ko, 2018 [23] Melbourne, Australia One eGFR < 60 2012 325 KDIGO based on one eGFR 44 ICD-10 Codes 54.1, 90.2 -
Jalal, 2019 [3] Western New York Outpatient data with two valid serum creatinine 2007–2014, 2016–2017 216,529 KDOQI based on CKD-EPI eGFR 27 ICD-9 Codes, 7 ICD-10 Codes 32.2, 97.12 Gold-Standard based on 2 eGFR measures
Chase et al. 2010 [24] Columbia University Medical Center Outpatient data with two elevated serum creatinine values 2003–2006 175 KDOQI based on CKD-MDRD eGFR Electronic Health Records containing CKD documented in notes 95.4–99.8 & 99.8 All hypertensive patients
Ronksley 2012 [25] Alberta, Canada Outpatient with two elevated serum creatinine values 2004–2005 321,293 KDOQI based on CKD-MDRD eGFR 25 ICD-9 Codes 18.9–29.3 & 94.6–98.5 Gold-Standard based on 2 eGFR measures
Cipparone 2015 [11] Buffalo, Kansas Inpatient Chart Review - 325 Chart review protocol based on KDOQI Guidelines ICD-9 585.3 Code - Prevalence of misdiagnosis; no Sensitivity or Specificity
Fleet 2013 [12] Ontario, Canada Outpatient age > 65 2007–2010 123,499 CKD-EPI eGFR < 60; < 45; < 30 Algorithm of hospital encounter and 11 ICD-9 Codes 18 & 98.2 Gold-Standard based on only 1 eGFR measure
Winkelmayer 2005 [26] Pennsylvania Medicare Inpatients 1999–2000 1,852 CKD-MDRD eGFR < 60 22 ICD-9 Codes 2–27 & 93–100 Gold-Standard based on only 1 eGFR measure
Kern 2006 [27] US VA and Medicare Systems Inpatient and Outpatient Diabetics in VA System 1999–2000 263,730 CKD-MDRD eGFR < 60 79 ICD-9 Codes 20–41 & 95–99 Gold-Standard based on only 1 eGFR measure
Stevens 2005 [28] Laboratory Corporation of America, Columbus, OH Outpatient age > 39 2002–2003 277,111 CKD-MDRD eGFR < 60 51 ICD-9 Codes 10–51 & 95–98 Gold-Standard based on only 1 eGFR measure
Navaneethan 2011 [29] Cleveland Clinic Patients Outpatient with two elevated serum creatinine values and/or two ICD-9 diagnoses 2005–2010 296,249 KDOQI based on CKD-MDRD eGFR 8 ICD-9 Codes > 80 Gold-Standard based on 2 eGFR measures
Lardon 2015 [30] French PMSI Hospitals Inpatient age 12–65 or 80 January, 2014 533 eGFR Drools rules engine based on EHR and ICD-10 - Analyzed hospital stays, rather than patients