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. 2024 Jan 8;13(2):e01080-23. doi: 10.1128/mra.01080-23


Accession numbers and characteristics of metatranscriptomes from two types of biological soil crusts, light algal crust (LAC) and cyanolichen crust (CLC), over the course of a re-wetting experiment (times shown indicate sample harvest time post-wetting; CLC samples at 0.5 and 30 h time points did not generate sufficient high-quality RNA yields for sequencing). All contigs are ≥0.1 kb

Meta- transcriptome NCBI BioSample ID NCBI
BioProject ID
No. of raw reads No. of filtered reads Assembly BioSample
No. of
No. of assembled (150 bp) reads Assembly length
Transcriptome coverage N50 (bp) Max contig length (KB)
LAC 0.5 h SAMN17674635 PRJNA697426 378,329,084 15,399,682 GKPO00000000 58,795 12,494,595 31,311,788 59.9× 18,350 7.034
LAC 6 h SAMN18245122 PRJNA710733 406,275,950 19,607,874 GKPP00000000 88,036 16,171,069 50,130,842 48.4× 25,380 20.259
LAC 18 h SAMN17675269 PRJNA697427 437,433,136 20,442,408 GKPN00000000 72,020 16,932,941 38,371,519 66.2× 22,289 7.537
LAC 30 h SAMN17675483 PRJNA697428 500,168,512 20,768,548 GKPQ00000000 86,683 17,426,116 50,104,316 52.2× 24,532 14.942
LAC 50 h SAMN17674330 PRJNA697429 670,916,034 38,911,978 GKPR00000000 109,448 32,668,699 61,798,533 79.3× 31,386 18.369
CLC 6 h SAMN17674629 PRJNA697430 590,894,720 32,744,316 GKPS00000000 88,422 27,681,580 50,698,865 81.9× 24,701 23.151
CLC 18 h SAMN18247024 PRJNA710734 528,673,374 28,175,474 GKPT00000000 60,086 23,018,914 35,379,485 97.6× 15,771 19.855
CLC 50 h SAMN18245957 PRJNA710735 682,130,280 29,262,602 GKPU00000000 94,375 23,172,351 51,949,060 66.9× 27,333 27.808