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. 2024 Jan 25;8(1):pkad110. doi: 10.1093/jncics/pkad110

Table 5.

Mean values at baseline, short-term, and long-term follow-up and between-group differences for the mixed-effect models of health-related quality of life (SF-36 subscales)

Baseline (T0)
Short-term follow-up (T1)
Long-term follow-up (T2)
Between-group difference T0-T1
Between-group difference T0-T2
SF-36 subscales N Mean SD N Mean SD N Mean SD Estimate 95% CI P Effect size Estimate 95% CI P Effect size
SF GH (P = .45)a
ECR 93 57.04 70 60.57 63 58.17 3.73 −0.50 to 7.96 .084 0.10 1.22 −3.78 to 6.22 .63 0.00
18.08 19.57 19.76
BCR 93 59.35 70 60.79 61 59.67 0.66 −3.58 to 4.90 .76 0.01 0.39 −4.64 to 5.43 .88 0.00
17.01 17.77 17.75
Controlb 93 58.44 85 59.94 77 60.84
16.13 17.55 17.72
SF V (P = .037*)a
ECR 93 48.33 70 56.07 63 56.27 4.95 0.87 to 9.02 .018* 0.20 2.47 −1.92 to 6.86 .27 0.09
15.28 15.44 16.06
BCR 93 48.92 70 54.21 61 51.23 1.95 −2.13 to 6.03 .35 0.13 −2.78 −7.20 to 1.64 .22 −0.07
17.26 19.29 19.31
Controlb 93 51.56 85 54.06 77 56.30
13.99 16.88 16.81
SF PR (P = .055)a
ECR 93 38.17 70 65.71 63 66.27 15.90 3.11 to 28.70 .015* 0.43 15.11 1.16 to 29.06 .034* 0.42
36.41 41.52 42.40
BCR 93 45.16 70 56.07 61 63.93 2.61 −10.20 to 15.43 .69 0.11 11.45 −2.60 to 25.50 .11 0.26
41.91 44.32 40.45
Controlb 93 46.51 85 54.71 77 56.91
40.48 40.55 40.07
SF ER (P = .58)a
ECR 93 58.78 70 68.57 63 71.42 −2.97 −16.12 to 10.18 .66 0.07 −11.55 −26.26 to 3.16 .12 −0.08
43.52 38.02 38.27
BCR 93 57.71 70 70.48 61 75.41 0.59 −12.59 to 13.77 .93 0.09 −6.78 −21.60 to 8.04 .37 −0.04
40.87 39.54 35.95
Controlb 93 58.06 85 67.45 77 77.92
42.82 40.16 34.88
SF MH (P = .44)a
ECR 93 67.53 70 71.26 63 71.75 2.65 −1.51 to 6.80 .21 0.24 0.81 −3.78 to 5.40 .73 0.16
15.41 15.02 17.04
BCR 93 67.18 70 72.57 61 71.61 3.86 −0.30 to 8.02 .069 0.32 1.26 −3.36 to 5.89 .59 0.21
17.78 15.46 17.22
Controlb 93 70.41 85 70.54 77 72.31
13.88 16.42 16.02
SF SR (P = .62)a
ECR 93 64.38 70 71.43 63 75.00 1.68 −4.89 to 8.26 .61 0.17 4.31 −2.70 to 11.32 .23 0.26
18.79 22.13 21.18
BCR 93 68.01 70 72.14 61 74.59 −2.29 −8.88 to 4.29 .49 0.06 −0.64 −7.70 to 6.42 .86 0.11
20.81 21.82 22.00
Controlb 93 66.94 85 71.76 77 72.24
19.73 19.97 21.42
SF PF (P = .52)a
ECR 93 81.51 70 83.14 63 86.03 −0.40 −4.10 to 3.31 .83 −0.11 2.66 −0.76 to 6.09 .13 0.04
13.73 16.84 13.89
BCR 93 84.78 70 85.00 61 85.57 −0.38 −4.10 to 3.33 .84 −0.17 1.07 −2.38 to 4.53 .54 −0.10
14.01 14.04 13.91
Controlb 93 81.34 85 83.53 77 83.77
12.56 14.49 12.70
SF BP (P = .99)a
ECR 93 85.09 70 86.29 63 85.75 −0.53 −5.53 to 4.47 .84 −0.17 −0.26 −5.35 to 4.83 .92 −0.15
16.37 15.67 18.04
BCR 93 85.71 70 86.79 61 83.98 0.19 −4.82 to 5.20 .94 −0.19 −0.98 −6.12 to 4.15 .71 −0.24
15.87 15.85 16.87
Controlb 93 84.61 85 86.21 77 84.77
15.44 14.49 16.44

Reported are the model-based means and standard deviations. Models were adjusted for non-ignorable dropout. BCR = basic cognitive rehabilitation; ECR = extensive cognitive rehabilitation; CI = confidence interval; SF GH = Short Form—General Health Perceptions; SF V = Short Form—Vitality; SF PR = Short Form—Physical Role Functioning; SF ER = Short Form—Emotional Role Functioning; SF MH = Short Form—Mental Health; SF SR = Short Form—Social Role Functioning; SF PF = Short Form—Physical Functioning; SF BP = Short Form—Bodily Pain; SD = standard deviation. T0 = baseline; T1 = mid-treatment; T2 = post-treatment.


P value of the overall interaction effect between group and time.


Control group is reference group.


P < .05,


P < .001.