MR antagonists produce different MR quaternary configurations. Inset shows representative images of single cell nuclei expressing MR‐GFP and treated with 1 μM spironolactone (Spiro), 1 μM eplerenone (Eple) or 1 μM finerenone. White arrows point to the MMTV array. Scale bars: 5 μm. Plot shows MR molecular brightness (ε) assessed using the N&B technique. To facilitate comparison, data from Figure 1 showing ε for GR‐N525 and MR treated with 10 nM aldosterone are included. Data points correspond to ε obtained from a single nucleus (n = 490, 307, 82, 47, 55, 24, 37, 24, 19, 11, 41 and 33 cells in each condition, from left to right). Individual points were pooled from the following number of independent experiments for each condition: 25, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2. Horizontal bars represent mean ±95% CI. Each ε value was compared to its reference value (MR/10 nM Aldo in the nucleoplasm or at the MMTV array) using the Kruskal‐Wallis test followed by Dunn's multiple comparisons correction. Symbols refer to statistical differences with MR/10 nM Aldo in the same compartment (nucleoplasm or MMTV array; **p < 0.01).