ML-based classification of burn severity in a preclinical model using multispectral spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) data. (a) A commercial device (Modulim Reflect RS™) projected patterns of light with different wavelengths and spatially modulated (sinusoidal) patterns onto a porcine burn model and detected the backscattered light using a camera. (b) The backscattered images at the different spatial frequencies were demodulated and calibrated to obtain reflectance maps at each wavelength. The relationship between reflectance and spatial frequency was different at the different wavelengths (e.g., 471 nm versus 851 nm, as shown here). (c) The reflectance data at each wavelength were used to train an SVM to distinguish between four different types of tissue (unburned skin, hyper-perfused periphery, burns that did not require grafting, and burns that required grafting). The ML algorithm reliably distinguished more severe burns (originating from longer thermal contact times) from less severe burns. When using a tenfold cross-validation procedure, the overall diagnostic accuracy of the method was 92.5% (adapted from Ref. 57, with permission).