B cell activation and GC dynamics
(A) UMAP of tonsillar NBC and MBC B cells colored and numbered by scRNA-seq clusters (including GC DZ non-proliferative, C).
(B) Heatmap showing scaled mean marker expression per NBC and MBC subpopulations.
(C) UMAP of tonsillar GCBCs colored and numbered by scRNA-seq clusters.
(D) Heatmap showing scaled mean marker expression per GCBC subpopulations (including PC-committed light zone GCBC, Figure 5A).
(E) UMAP of GCBC colored by scATAC-seq clusters.
(F) Heatmap showing normalized accessibility scores of the DARs in the DZ-to-LZ transition (DZ no proliferative → DZ-LZ transition → LZ). Numbers of DARs indicated.
(G) Top: heatmap showing normalized accessibility score of the DARs in the LZ-to-DZ reentry (LZ → LZ-DZ reentry commitment → LZ-proliferative → LZ-DZ transition → DZ early S phase). Numbers of DARs indicated. Bottom: UMAP highlighting the accessibility signature scores for each of the main clusters.
(H) Violin plots showing gene expression (blue) and gene-based (red) and region-based (green) eRegulon activity for the top TF enriched in each of the clusters (G).