a, Case example of patient with multiple primary malignancies pre-ICB exposure. (Patient 7 from Figure 1b; Extended Data Table 1) Timeline of cancer diagnoses and sequential local and systemic interventions including combined androgen blockade (CAB), androgen receptor antagonist (ARA) and ICB. Targeted next-generation sequencing (MSK-IMPACT) comparing pre-ICB prostate cancer (PCA) and post-ICB small bowel cancer (SBA) by tumor mutational burden, somatic mutational profile, and copy-number alterations. Single shared somatic mutation, PTPRT at chromosome 20.
b, Timeline for SPM development post-ICB exposure (n=21 patients) inclusive of: SBA: Small bowel, CRC: Colorectal, GCA: Gastric, PCA: Prostate, SN: Sebaceous neoplasm, HCC: Hepatocellular, UCC: Urothelial, SCC: Squamous cell, CHO: Cholangiocarcinoma, ECA: Esophageal, BRC: Breast, LYM: Lymphoma, UCE: Uterine, PDA: Pancreatic, VUV: Vulvar.
c-f, MSISensor score (c), tumor mutational burden (d), frameshift mutations (e), and comparative analysis of strong binders to HLA Class 1 MHC (f) between pre- and post-ICB tumors. P-values are derived from pairwise t-testing for the paired pre and post tumor from each patient without replicates for each separate analysis.
Analyses included nine patients with 9 pre and 9 post tumors except analysis c (MSISensor score) which included 8 patients with 8 pre and 8 post tumors due to an MSI score not available for patient 6.
*MSI status on 1 sample with inadequate tumor purity was confirmed via MiMSI