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. 2023 Nov 6;22(2):234–272. doi: 10.11124/JBIES-22-00353
Search ID Search terms Records retrieved
S1 'palliative care’.mp. or palliative therapy/ 124,995
S2 home care/ 70,383
S3 'primary health care’.mp. or primary health care/ 91,233
S4 or perception/ 434,071
S5 or attitude to health/ or attitude to life/ or attitude/ or attitude to illness/ 530,689
S6 or personal experience/ or experience seeking/ or experience/ 1,238,519
S7 S2 OR S3 160,427
S8 S1 AND S7 5178
S9 S4 OR S5 OR S6 2,064,031
S10 S8 AND S9 1376
S11 S10 (Limiters -Publication Date:2000- 2022; Language: - English) 1175