Search ID | Search terms | Records retrieved |
S1 | (care palliative) OR (abc of palliative care) OR (aged and palliative) OR palliative | 49,313 |
S2 | (care at home) OR (in home care) OR (care homes) | 1,126,286 |
S3 | (Primary Care) OR (primary care and primary health care) | 1,424,478 |
S4 | Perception OR experiences OR attitude | 2,450,122 |
S5 | qualitative | 1,147,471 |
S6 | S2 AND S3 | 38,521 |
S7 | S1 AND S4 AND S5 AND S6 | 38,065 |
S8 | S7 (Limiters -2000- 2022; Language: English) | 334 |