Reasons for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy in caregivers of children younger than five years of agea,b,c
Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; SARS-COV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
a Long-term side effects reported in open-ended questions include cardiovascular (11/64 or 17.2%; e.g. myocarditis, pericarditis, bleeding and other cardiovascular effects), neurological or developmental (6/64 or 9,4%; e.g. developmental or cognitive issues, stroke and aneurism and other neurological side effects), uncertain due to lack of data, evidence for and potential unspecified new side effects (20/64 or 31.3%), infertility (4/64 or 6.3%), inflammation and autoimmune disease (3/60 or 4.7%) and other long-term side effects (6/64 or 25.0%)
b Immediate side effects include cardiovascular (11/36 or 30.6%; e.g. myocarditis/pericarditis, thrombosis and other cardiovascular effects), neurological (3/36 or 8.3%; e.g. stroke, Bell’s palsy or other forms of paralysis and seizure), vaccine reactogenicity (7/36 or 19.4%; e.g. fever and pain), allergic reactions (2/36 or 5.6%); inflammation and autoimmune disease (2/36 or 5.6%) and other immediate side effects (11/36 or 31%)
c Other reasons include vaccination being unnecessary (4/18 or 22.2%), lack of effectiveness (3/18 or 16.7%) and other reasons (5/18 or 27.8%; e.g. other specific concerns and other general and unspecified concerns)