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FIG. 3.

FIG. 3.

Alignment of the CdtB amino acid sequences of C. jejuni strains EF and 11168 and other bacterial species. Shaded areas highlight amino acids identical to those in C. jejuni 11168. Accession numbers are as follows: C. jejuni EF, AY445094; C. jejuni 11168 CdtB, CAB72564; C. upsaliensis CdtB, AAF98364; A. actinmyetemcomitians CdtB, AAC70898; H. ducreyi CdtB, AAB57726; H. hepaticus CdtB, AAF19158; and E. coli CdtB, 2010282B. Asterisks indicate point mutations found in C. jejuni EF. The amino acids are numbered continuously on the left.