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. 2023 Dec 15;31(3):358–367. doi: 10.1093/eurjpc/zwad370

Table 1.

Characteristics of the pooled sample, by quartiles of the Southern European Atlantic Diet

N Southern European Atlantic Diet
Quartile 1 (lowest) Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Quartile 4 (highest) Total
9 981 8 065 8 161 9 710 35 917
Sex—male (%) 4 733 (47.4) 3 987 (49.4) 4 328 (53.0) 5 325 (54.8)* 18 373 (51.2)
Age (years) 53.5 (13.3) 53.3 (12.9) 54.3 (11.7) 55.8 (10.1)* 54.2 (12.1)
Educational level (%)
 Primary or less 1 815 (18.2) 1 399 (17.3) 1 249 (15.3) 1 215 (12.5)* 5 678 (15.8)
 Secondary or vocational 5 796 (58.1) 4 567 (56.6) 4 705 (57.7) 5 576 (57.4) 20 644 (57.5)
 University 2 311 (23.2) 2 052 (25.4) 2 172 (26.6) 2 890 (29.8) 9 425 (26.2)
 No data 59 (0.59) 47 (0.58) 35 (0.43) 29 (0.30) 170 (0.47)
Marital status (%)
 Single 1 561 (15.6) 1 125 (13.9) 935 (11.5) 803 (8.27)* 4 424 (12.3)
 Married/cohabiting 6 517 (65.3) 5 639 (69.9) 6 042 (74.0) 7 552 (77.8) 25 750 (71.7)
 Divorced/separated or widowed 1 731 (17.3) 1 195 (14.8) 1 086 (13.3) 1 261 (13.0) 5 273 (14.7)
 No data 172 (1.72) 106 (1.31) 98 (1.20) 94 (0.97) 470 (1.31)
Tobacco smoking (%)
 Never 4 351 (43.6) 3 543 (43.9) 3 742 (45.9) 4 373 (45.0)* 16 009 (44.6)
 Former 2 760 (27.7) 2 333 (28.9) 2 419 (29.6) 3 043 (31.3) 10 555 (29.4)
 Current 2 780 (27.9) 2 146 (26.6) 1 959 (24.0) 2 249 (23.2) 9 134 (25.4)
 No data 90 (0.90) 43 (0.53) 41 (0.50) 45 (0.46) 219 (0.61)
Physical activity (hours/week) 19.1 (14.7) 20.2 (14.6) 19.7 (14.5) 20.0 (14.5)* 19.7 (14.6)
Energy intake (kcal/day) 1 811 (598) 2 082 (628) 2 238 (650) 2 464 (737)* 2 145 (701)
Diabetes (%) 920 (9.22) 825 (10.2) 882 (10.8) 1 169 (12.0)* 3 796 (10.6)
Cardiovascular disease history (%) 1 218 (12.2) 892 (11.1) 957 (11.7) 1 383 (14.2)* 4 450 (12.4)
Musculoskeletal disease (%) 4 226 (42.3) 3 327 (41.3) 3 662 (44.9) 4 769 (49.1)* 15 984 (44.5)
Chronic lung disease (%) 1 149 (11.5) 839 (10.4) 907 (11.1) 1 150 (11.8)* 4 045 (11.3)
Cancer history (%) 370 (3.71) 293 (3.63) 292 (3.58) 390 (4.02) 1 345 (3.74)
Depression (%) 1 405 (14.1) 921 (11.4) 867 (10.6) 1 033 (10.6)* 4 226 (11.8)

Values are numbers (%) or means (standard deviations).

* P-value < 0.05 for differences in means (ANOVA) or proportions (Pearson’s χ2) across quartiles of the Southern European Atlantic Diet.