IgG antibody responses to GST-Arp are shown (A) in single serum samples from 124 antibiotic-treated patients with erythema migrans, facial palsy, or Lyme arthritis and (B) in serial serum samples from 20 past, untreated patients who were followed longitudinally from early infection when EM was present, through initial episodes of joint pain, and during the maximal period of arthritis. The bars show the median values in the patients' responses (in panel A, healthy [normal] control subjects, 0.02; acute erythema migrans, 0.06; convalescent erythema migrans, 0.1; facial paralysis, 0.25; arthritis, 0.19; in panel B, erythema migrans, 0.17; initial joint pain, 0.25; maximal arthritis, 0.26).