FIG. 6.
Representative experiment with quintuplicate samples showing that cysteine proteinases are not required for adherence of 20 mM DAB-treated (shaded bars labeled DAB) versus control, untreated (open bars labeled control) trichomonads. The data are presented as numbers of trichomonads bound to VECs for statistical analysis, along with error bars. The inset shows results for the control, untreated parasites as the percent adherence to better illustrate the extent of decrease in adherence by TLCK-treated organisms, and results were normalized to 100% for control organisms for comparison as was done in Fig. 4C. A 1 mM TLCK pretreatment of control parasites inhibited adherence by ≥70% (□) and by ∼20% in 20 mM DAB-treated organisms (░⃞). In this experiment, 20 mM DAB treatment resulted in an ∼9-fold increase in the level of adherence compared to control, untreated trichomonads.