FIG. 1.
Experiment 1 serum IgG antibody levels to S. mutans GbpB (A) and S. sobrinus GTF (B) in rats immunized with peptide constructs (seven rats per group) or native proteins (four rats per group), indicated beneath the bars. S-C and S-G indicate groups immunized with the diepitopic constructs SYI-CAT and SYI-GLU, respectively. Sera, diluted 1:200, were assayed by ELISA 63 days after initial immunization. One hundred EU was equivalent to reference serum dilutions of 1/1,000 for GbpB and 1/2,000 for GTF. Bars indicate means ± 1 standard error of the mean. Asterisks indicate group data with levels significantly higher than levels in the sham-immunized group, determined by the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA on ranks and Dunn's pairwise multiple-comparison method. EU for GpbB and GTF are not comparable.