Fig. 1.
C. neoformans GXM synthetic decasaccharide (GXM10-Ac3) resonances are resolved through 1H-13C CT-cHSQC and HSQC TOCSY experiments. (A) GXM10-Ac3 chemical structure contains the M2 motif, a common serotype A GXM RU, and binds strongly to anti-GXM Abs (24). Glycans are color coded as follows: Man (green), Xyl (orange), and GlcA (blue). Transglycosidic ϕ and ψ torsions are denoted on the first three residues. (B) GXM10-Ac3 1H 1D identifiying diagnostic carbohydrate 1H chemical shift regions. (C and D) Comparison of resolutions achieved by a standard 1H-13C HSQC experiment relative to a CT-cHSQC experiment, with the latter allowing assignments of previously overlapping signals in a few hours for Xyl[II, IV, X]-2 (C) and Xyl[II, IV, VIII]-3 (D). (E) 1H-1H cross-peaks between Xyl H1 and H3 obtained from a 1H-13C HSQC TOCSY experiment allow further differentiation between Xyl[II] and Xyl[III] H2-C2 resonances.