Low glutamine levels or inhibition of glutaminase prevent LD formation. (A) Lipid droplet staining in RCC4 VHL− cells after culture in complete, low glucose (Low Glc) or low glutamine (Low Gln) medium treated with MYCis. (B) Lipid droplet staining in RCC4 VHL− cells after treatment with DMSO or MYCi alone or in combination with BPTES. Blue: DAPI; green: LD-BTD1 (LDs). (C) Bright-field images of live 786-O VHL- EV cells treated with vehicle (-DOX), DOX, or/and BPTES, and 786-O VHL- Omomyc cells treated with vehicle (-DOX), DOX (+Omomyc), or/and BPTES. RFP (red) upon DOX induction. (Scale bars: 20 or 100 μm.) Images are representative of three independent replicates.