(A) Immunoblot of whole-cell Bartonella lysates with anti-Bva 6.1. Anti-Bva-6.1 was used at a 1:1,000 dilution. Proteins were fractionated on a 7.5% polyacrylamide gel. Molecular size markers (in kilobases) are noted at the left. (B) Recombinant Bva-6.1 protein blotted against antisera from mice infected with rodent Bartonella strains. Sources of antibodies are indicated. Antibodies were used at a 1:500 dilutin. The lower reacting bands in the anti-Bva-6.1 blot are breakdown products of recombinant BrpA. (C) Immunoblot of recombinant Bva-6.1 protein blotted with polyclonal antisera generated against Bartonella sp. whole-cell lysates. Antibodies were used at a 1:500 dilution. Bh = B. henselae, Bq = B. quintana, Bb = B. bacilliformis, Be = B. elizabethae, Bvv = B. vinsonii subsp. vinsonii.