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. 2024 Feb 17;23:51. doi: 10.1186/s12944-024-02028-w

Table 1.

Characteristic table of the literature

Author and Year Species and gender Week old and Weight Anesthetic Model and method Treatment group MI/RI Time Comorbidity Outcomes and P-Value Mechanisms
APN and Duration Administration
Shibata et al. 2005 [26] Queue a (WT): C57BL/6 mices, ND 10 to 12 weeks, ND Pent MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 × 108 PFU, 3 d IV 0.5 h/48 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.05 3. LVEDP: P < 0.05 4. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 5. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 6. TNF-α: P < 0.05 AMPK↑/COX-2↑/apoptosis↓/proinflammatory cytokine↓
Queue b (APN-KO): C57BL/6 mices, ND 10 to 12 weeks, ND Pent MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 × 108 PFU, 3 d IV 0.5 h/48 h no

1. Infarct size: P < 0.01

2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.05 3. TNF-α: P < 0.01

Tao et al.  2007   [27] Adult mices, male ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 1 to 4 μg/g, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no

1. Infarct size: P < 0.01

2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 3. LVEDP: P < 0.01 4. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.01 5. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.01 6. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 7. Superoxide production: P < 0.01

iNOS↓/gp91^phox protein↓/oxidative or nitrative stress↓
Wang et al.  2009 [28] Queue a (WT): D157A mices, male ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 3. LVEDP: P < 0.05 4. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 5. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 6. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 7. Superoxide production: P < 0.01 8. LDH: P < 0.01 apoptosis↓/oxidative or nitrative stress↓ (Note: the antioxidative and antinitrative effects of APN in MIRI hearts are not mediated by AMPK)
Queue b (AMPK-DN): D157A mices, male ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 3. LVEDP: P < 0.05 4. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 5. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 6. Caspase-3: P < 0.05 7. Superoxide production: P < 0.05 8. LDH: P < 0.01
Kondo et al. 2010 [29] Yorkshire-Duroc pigs, female 2 to 3 months, 29.55 to 31.95 kg Pent MIRI, ligation of LAD 0.03 μg/kg, 10 min Arterial administration 0.75 h/24 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 3. LVEDP: P < 0.05 4. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 5. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 6. TNF-α: P < 0.05 inflammation↓/apoptosis↓/oxidative stress↓
Wang et al.  2010 [30] SD rats, male 8 to 10 weeks, 180 to 220 g Urethane MIRI, ligation of LAD 60 ng/g, 2 min IV 0.5 h/1 h no 1. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 AMPK↑/PPAR-γ↑/apoptosis↓
Chen 2011 [31] SD rats, male ND, 220 to 250 g Pent MIRI, ligation of LAD 60/120/180 ng/g,  30 min IV 0.75 h/3 h DM 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.01 3. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.01 4. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 5. SOD: P < 0.01 NOS↑/SOD↑/oxidative stress↓
Liu et al. 2011 [32] Queue a (WT): C57B1/6 J mices, male 8 to 12 weeks, ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 0.5 mg/kg, 10 min IV 0.5 h/3 h Trauma 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.01 3. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 4. Superoxide production: P < 0.05 apoptosis↓/oxidative or nitrative stress↓
Queue b(APN-KO): C57B1/6 J mices, male 8 to 12 weeks, ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 0.5 mg/kg, 10 min IV 0.5 h/3 h Trauma 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.01
Ma et al. 2011 [33] Queue a (DM1d): Swiss mices, ND 6 to 8 weeks, ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h DM 1. Infarct size: P > 0.05 2. Apoptotic rate: P > 0.05 3. Caspase-3: P > 0.05 4. LDH: P > 0.05 AdipoR1↑/AMPK↑/LDH↓/apoptosis↓
Queue b (DM7d): Swiss mices, ND 6 to 8 weeks, ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h DM 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 3. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 4. LDH: P < 0.01
Chen et al. 2011 [34] SD rats, male ND, 220 to 250 g Pent MIRI, ligation of LAD 180 ng/g, 30 min IV 0.75 h/3 h no 1. LVEDP: P < 0.05 2. LDH: P < 0.01 apoptosis↓/oxidative stress↓
Gao et al.  2012 [35] C57 mices, male 4 to 6 weeks, 20 to 25 g Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 0.5 mg /kg, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no 1. LVEF: P < 0.05 2. Caspase-3: P < 0.05 ND
Guo 2013 [36] SD rats, male 7 to 8 weeks, 220 to 250 g Pent MIRI, ligation of LAD 1 μg/kg, 10 min IV 0.75 h/3 h no

1. Infarct size: P < 0.05

2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.05 3. LVEDP: P < 0.05 4. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 5. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 6. Caspase-3: P < 0.05 7. LDH: P < 0.05

Zhang et al. 2013 [37] Queue a (Scramble): D157A mices, male ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 20 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. LVEDP: P < 0.01 3. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.01 4. LVEF: P < 0.05 5. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 6. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 7. Superoxide production: P < 0.01 PKA activity↑/oxidative stress↓/IKK, IκB↓/NF-κB↓
Queue b (PKA-KO): D157A mices, male ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 20 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. LVEDP: P < 0.05 3. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 4. LVEF: P > 0.05 5. Caspase-3: P > 0.05 6. Apoptotic rate: P > 0.05 7. Superoxide production: P < 0.01
Guo et al. 2014 [38] SD rats, ND ND, 220 to 250 g Pent MIRI, ligation of LAD 1 μg/kg, 10 min IV 0.75 h/3 h DM 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. Caspase-3: P < 0.05 3. SOD: P < 0.05 apoptosis↓/oxidative stress↓
Song et al. 2014 [39] Queue a (WT): C57B1/6 J mices, ND 8 to 10 weeks, ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 7 d IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h renal failure 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 3. Caspase-3: P < 0.05 4. LVEF: P < 0.01 AdipoR1↑/AMPK↑/iNOS↓/apoptosis↓/oxidative or nitrative stress↓
Queue b (APN-KO): C57B1/6 J mices, ND 8 to 10 weeks, ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg/g, 7 d IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h renal failure 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.01 3. Caspase-3: P < 0.05 4. LVEF: P < 0.01
Wang et al. 2014 [40] C57BL/6 J mices, male 8 to 10 weeks, ND Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 2 μg /g, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.01 2. LVEF: P < 0.01 increased APPL1 expression
Gao et al.  2015 [41] Queue a (WT): C57BL/6 mices, male 6 to 8 weeks, 20 to 25 g Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 0.5 mg/kg, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h, 24 h no

1. Infarct size: P < 0.01

2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.05 3. LVEDP: P < 0.05 4. + dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 5. -dP/dtmax: P < 0.05 6. Caspase-3: P < 0.05 7. LVEF: P < 0.05

AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylation↑/apoptosis↓/TNF-α↓
Queue b (APN-KO): C57BL/6 mices, male 6 to 8 weeks, 20 to 25 g Isoflurane MIRI, ligation of LAD 0.5 mg/kg, 10 min IP 0.5 h/3 h,24 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. Apoptotic rate: P < 0.05 3. Caspase-3: P < 0.01 4. LVEF: P < 0.05
Zhao et al. 2016 [42] SD rats, ND ND, 220 to 280 g Chloral hydrate MIRI, ligation of LAD 1.8 μg/g, 20 min IV 0.5 h/2 h no 1. LDH: P < 0.05 2. MDA: P < 0.05 3. SOD: P < 0.05 Lipid peroxidation↓/free radical scavenging↑
Potenza et al. 2019 [43] SD rats, male ND, 250 to 300 g Pent MIRI, Langendorff perfusion system 3 μg/mL, 3.5 h Arterial administration 0.5 h/3 h no 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 2. LVEDP: P < 0.01 AMPK, LKB1↑/ eNOS↑/SIRT-1↑
Xing et al. 2020 [44] SD rats, male 8 to 10 weeks, 250 to 300 g Pent MIRI ligation of LAD 5 μg /g, 15 min IP 0.5 h/2 h DM 1. Infarct size: P < 0.05 SphK1↓/S1P↓/phosphorylation of NF-κB↓
Wang et al. 2022 [45] SD rats, male 4 weeks, 180 to 220 g Pent MIRI ligation of LAD 5 μg/g, 15 min IP 0.5 h/2 h no 1. LDH: P < 0.05 MIF↑/autophagy↓

Pent Pentobarbital sodium, PFU plaque-forming units, IV Intravenous injection, IP Intraperitoneal injection, IS infarct size, AAR area at risk, ND no description, WT wild-type, APN-KO APN gene knockout, AMPK-DN a mutant AMPKα2 subunit, MIRI myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury, d day, h hour, min minute, LAD left anterior descending branch, SD Sprague–Dawley, COX-2 Cyclooxygenase-2, iNOS inducible NO synthase, gp91^phox nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase, LVEDP left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, + dP/dtmax maximum rate of left ventricular pressure rise, -dP/dtmax maximum rate of left ventricular pressure decrease, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, DM diabetes mellitus, SOD superoxide dismutase, NO nitric oxide, NOS nitric oxide synthase, PKA-KO Protein kinase A knockout, CK-MB creatine kinase isoenzymes, APPL1 Recombinant Adiponectin Receptor 1, eNOS endothelial nitric oxide synthase, LKB1 Liver kinase B1, SIRT-1 sirtuin-1, SphK1 Sheath Amino Acid Kinase 1, S1P Sphingosine-1-phosphate, TNF-α tumor necrosis factor alpha, IHC immunohistochemical staining, PPAR-γ Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor, MIF migration inhibitory factor