Figure 6. Evaluation of the dyshomeostatic microglia in different microglia-specific CreER drivers after TAM treatment at different ages.
P2RY12 expression is used as a measure of dyshomeostasis in microglia.
(A) Consistent with previous studies, we observe dyshomeostasis of microglia (indicated by loss of P2RY12 expression) across many regions in the neonatal Cx3cr1CreER(Litt)(mut/WT) mice treated with TAM.
(B and C) This phenotype is not observed in (B) the adolescent (3-week-old) Cx3cr1YFP-CreER(Litt)(mut/WT) mice that received TAM treatment or (C) neonatal Cx3cr1CreER(Jung) (mut/WT) and P2ry12CreER (mut/WT) mice that received TAM on early neonatal days.
Quantifications of P2RY12 immunoreactivity are shown in the bar charts next to the representative images for each line. Mean ± SEM. Scale bars, 100 μm.