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. 2024 Feb 14;20:95–109. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S432249

Table 1.

Characteristics of Included Studies

Study Country Design Subjects Age Mean (SD) Measurement Intervention Type of VR
CG (n) IG (n) Male (%) Condition Platforms and Type Methods Frequency and Time
Tarakci et al (2016)21 Turkey Parallel group- RCT 15 15 63.0 Diplegic, hemiplegic, dyskinetic cerebral palsy IG: 10.46 (2.69)
CG:10.53 (2.79)
Daily activity using Wee FIM Nintendo Wii-fit Slalom; wire-walking; football game Neurodevelopmental therapy + VRGs treatment; 20 min/time, twice per week, 12 weeks in total; 480 min Non-immersive
Choi et al (2021)22 Korea Parallel group- RCT 38 40 48.0 Cerebral palsy and other brain injuries 5.3 (8.3) Upper limb function using ULPRS RAPAEL Smart Kids The device is a band-like wrist attachment that includes two inertial measurement unit sensors positioned on the dorsum of the hand and distal forearm, along with the appropriate software Intervention 30 min virtual reality, 5 days per week for 4 weeks Semi-immersive
Sajan et al (2016)32 India Parallel group- RCT 10 10 55.0 Spastic diplegic, triplegic, and quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy IG: 12.4 (4.93)
CG: 10.6 (3.78)
Balance using Pediatric Berg’s Balance Scale assessment.
Upper Limb Function using QUEST.
Nintendo Wii-fit remote control game Boxing; tennis Regular rehabilitation + VRGs treatment; 30 min/time,6 times/week, 3 weeks in total; 540 min Non-immersive
Chen et al (2013)33 Taiwan Parallel group- RCT 14 13 66.6 Spastic cerebral palsy IG: 8.7 (2.1)
CG: 8.6 (2.2)
Motor funcing using GMFM The Eloton SimCycle Virtual Cycling System (Eloton, Inc., NV, USA) Warm-up exercises, loaded sit-to-stand exercises, progressive resistance cycling, and a cool-down exercise The hVCT group cycled for 40 min per day, thrice a week, for 12 weeks. Non-immersive
Farr et al (2019)34 England Parallel group- RCT 15 15 N/A Bilateral or unilateral spastic cerebral palsy IR 5–16 Motor function using GMFM Nintendo Wii-fit Home-therapy program 12 weeks home therapy program Non-immersive
Han and Ko (2010)35 Korea 10 10 50.0 Paralytic hemiplegia IG: 9.50 (2.46)
CG: 8.90 (2.37)
Balance using
Daily activity using WeeFIM
Nintendo Wii Strength training treatment + VRGs treatment; 15 min/time, 3 days/week, 12 weeks in total; 540 min Non-immersive
Rostami HR et al (2012)37 Iran Parallel group- RCT 8 Divided into 3 groups: VR Group: 8; CIMT: 8; VR+CIMT: 8 43.7 Spastic Hemiparetic cerebral palsy VR: 92 (77–110)
mCIMT: 100 (74–124)
VR+mCIMT: 98 (87–128); CL: 96 (74–140)
Motor funcing using PMAL The VR environment was generated by an E-Link Evaluation and Exercise System (Version 6 software) provided by Biometrics Ltd. During exercises, children were seated on an adjustable chair. Children selected their favorite games. Children were asked and encouraged to practice and play games in a virtual environment just by the affected hand. The intervention program consisted of an individualized 18-hour VR program every other day, 3 times weekly for 4 weeks. Each VR session continued for 1.5 hours. Non-immersive
Sahin et al (2019)36 Turkey Parallel group- RCT 30 30 N/A Unilate spastic cerebral palsy (hemiplegia spastic) IG:10.5 (3.62)
CG: 10.06 (3.24)
Daily activity using PMAL Kinect Xbox Air challenge; boxing trainer; wall breaker; jet run; super kick 8-week period, twice a week, and for a session duration of 45 minutes Non-immersive
Atasavun and Baltaci (2016)38 Turkey Parallel group- RCT 12 12 N/A Hemiplegic spastic cerebral palsy IR: 6–14 Balance using PBS Nintendo Wii fit Wii basketball game, Wii football game, Wii boxing game Regular rehabilitation treatment + VRGs treatment; 30 min/time, 2 days/week, 12 weeks in total; 720 min Semi-immersive
Lazzari et al (2016)39 Italy Parallel group- RCT 10 10 70.0 Sepastic cerebral Palsy IG: 7.6 (2.2)
CG: 7.4; (2.0)
Balance using PBS Xbox 360 Kinect The physiotherapist placed the braces. The gait-assistance device was evaluated, and adjustments were made, when necessary, to achieve the proper length. Consisted of 10 sessions (five per week for two weeks) of VR mobility training combined with active or sham tDCS. Semi-immersive
Grecco et al (2015)23 Brazil Parallel group- RCT 10 10 55.0 Spastic Diparetic Cerebral Palsy IG: 8.2 (1.6)
CG: 8.8 (1.1)
Motor function using GMFM Xbox 360 Kinect Gait training involving VR with the application of anodal tDCS over the primary motor cortex of the contralateral hemisphere to the lower limb with greater motor impairment Five weekly 20-minute sessions were conducted.Over two consecutive weeks (total: 10 sessions). Fully immersive
Cho et al (2016)27 Korea Parallel group- RCT 9 9 N/A Spastic cerebral palsy IG: 10.2 (3.4)
CG: 9.4 (3.8)
Balance using PBS
Motor function using GMFM
Nintendo Wii-fit VR treadmill training (VRTT) The patient will undergo general physical therapy for 30 minutes daily, thrice a week, for eight weeks. Semi-immersive
Jha et al (2021)26 India Parallel group- RCT 19 19 60.0 Diplegia spastic cerebral palsy IG: 8.94 (1.92)
CG: 8.72 (1.68)
Balance using PBS
Motor function using GMFM
Daily activity using WeeFIM
Kinect Xbox The therapy consists of Kinect-based VR gaming in combination with balance-specific physiotherapy. The therapy program is designed to be conducted over 6 weeks, with each session lasting 60 minutes. The therapy is typically conducted 4 days a week. Semi-immersive
Sharan et al (2012)29 India Parallel group- RCT 8 8  N/A Post-operative cerebral palsy IG: 8.88 (3.23)
CG: 10.38 (4.41)
Balance using PBS Nintendo Wii fit Depending on children’s abilities Depending on game types, 3 days/time, 3 weeks in total Semi-immersive
Tarakci et al (2019)30 Turkey Parallel group- RCT 15 15 57.0 Cerebral palsy (CP) IG: 10.93 (4.09)
CG: 11.06 (3.23)
Upper limb function using CHAQ LeapMotion Controller based training (LMCBT) CatchAPet; Leapball 1-hour sessions 3 times a week for 8 weeks  Semi-immersive
Hsieh H (2018)31 Taiwan RCT 20 20 N/A Diplegic and quadriplegic cerebral palsy IG: 7.33 (1.31)
CG: 7.41 (1.54)
Balance using BBS Computer + joystick (the software Scratch) Flower watering, monkey eating bananas, killing mosquitoes with a swatter Regular rehabilitation treatment + VRGs treatment; 40 min/time, 5 times/week,12 weeks in total; 2400 min Non-immersive
Avcil et al (2021)25 Turkey Parallel group RCT 15 15 45.0 Hemiplegic Cerebral palsy IG: 9.4 (1.9)
CG: 9.5 (1.9)
Upper limb function using CHAQ Nintendo Wii and Leap Motion Controller (LMC) Specific games were employed, specifically tennis and boxing games, to improve elbow and shoulder functions. These games provided feedback through remote control, sound, and vibration notifications. 30 minutes every day for 20 weeks Semi-immersive
Urgen et al (2016)24 Turkey Parallel group- RCT 15 15 N/A Spastic hemiplegia cerebral palsy IG: 11.07 (2.37)
CG: 11.33 (2.19)
Balance using PBS
Motor function using GMFM
Nintendo Wii fit Ski jumping; snowball fight; jogging; the oblique city; penguin slides; perfect 10; guideway; header Regular rehabilitation treatment + VRGs treatment; 40 min/time, twice per week, 9 weeks in total; 720 min Semi-immersive
Wang et al (2021)28 Taiwan Parallel group- RCT 10 10 35.0 Hemiplegiacerebral palsy IG: 102.67 (25.05)
CG: 102.78 (25.84)
Daily activity using WeeFIM Nintendo Wii Home-based CIT (constraint-induced therapy) 2.25 hr per session and two sessions per week (4.5 hr per week) for 8 weeks (36 hr in total) Semi-immersive

Abbreviations: CG, control group; IG, intervention group; IR, interval ranges; Wee FIM, Wee-Functional Independence Measure, ULPRS, The Upper Limb Physician’s Rating Scale; QUEST, the Box and Block Test and the Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test; GMFM, Gross Motor Function Measure; PBS, Pediatric Balance Scale; PMAL, The Pediatric Motor Activity Log; BBS, Berg Balance Scale.