Hypothesis selectiona
Hypothesis | BIC | AIC |
0 | 47,749.02 | 47,702.08 |
1 | 52,180.67 | 52,110.27 |
2 | 52,286.17 | 52,192.31 |
3 | 47,484.81 | 47,390.95 |
4 | 49,538.95 | 49,351.22 |
5 | 52,093.93 | 51,718.49 |
6 | 53,879.65 | 53,128.76 |
BIC and AIC values of the seven hypotheses proposed and defined in Results. The decision rule is to pick the hypothesis with the lowest AIC and BIC. The hypothesis that explains the variation in the stochastic Ricker model parameter estimates best is hypothesis 3.