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. 2024 Jan 19;6(1):vdae007. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdae007

Table 1.

Study characteristics

Reference number Author Year Title TSD (years) Methodology Location Sample style (n =) Study design Controls/comparison sample Study aims Instrument Clinical significance cut off Treatment
19 Kangas, Williams and Smee 2011 Benefit finding in adults treated for benign meningioma brain tumour patients: relations with psychosocial wellbeing 4.4 years Quantitative Australia Benign meningioma patient sample (n = 70) Cross-sectional observational N/A Investigate the association between BF and demographic and psychosocial variables -Profile of Mood States Subscales: -
-Impact of Event Scale
->7 [S.R 11]
-One course of radiation (“Early subgroup”: 85%; “Late” subgroup: 44%)
-Multiple treatments (“Early subgroup”: 15%; “Late” subgroup: 56%)
13 Van der vossen, schepers, van der sprenkel, vissermeily, post 2014 Cognitive and emotional problems in patients after cerebral meningioma surgery 32.6 months (postoperative) Quantitative The Netherlands Patients operated on for a cerebral meningioma (n = 194) Cross-sectional observational N/A Determine long-term cognitive complaints an symptoms of depression or anxiety in patients following surgery and related factors -Cognitive Failures Questionnaire
- Neurosurgery
20 Najafabadi; van der Meer, Boele, Taphoorn, Klein, Peerdman, van Furth, Dirven 2020 Determinants and predictors for the long-term disease burden of intracranial meningioma patients 10 years since diagnosis Quantitative The Netherlands WHO Grade I/II meningioma (n = 190) Cross-sectional observational N/A Assess the determinants for long-term disease burden, defined as impaired HRQOL and neurocognitive functioning -surveys- 36 -N/A -Mixed (surgery as initial treatment: 88%; radiotherapy as initial treatment: 5%)
21 Niewenhuizen, Klein, Stalpers, Leenstra, Heimans, Reijneveld 2007 Differential effect of surgery and radiotherapy on neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in WHO grade I meningioma Surgery only group: 3 years
Surgery + RT: 7.6 years
Quantitative The Netherlands WHO Grade I meningioma (n = 18) Cross-sectional observational RT group vs. RT + surgery Quantify the effects of conventional RT vs. RT + surgery -SF-36
- Neurosurgery
- Radiotherapy
16 Combs, Adeberg, Dittmar, Welzel, Reiken, Habermehl, Huber, Debus 2013 Skull based meningiomas: long-term results and patient self-reported out come in 507 patients treated with fractioned stereotactic radiotherapy 107 months Quantitative Germany Skull-base meningioma patients (n = 340) Cross-sectional observational N/A Evaluate long-term toxicity and QOL as a result of fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy or intensity modulated radiotherapy -Un-validated questionnaire -N/A - Neurosurgery (54%)
- Radiotherapy (74%)
22 Timmer, Seibi-Leven, Wittenstein, Grau, Stravrinou, Rohn, Krishek, Coldbrunner 2019 Long-term outcomes and HRQOL of elderly patients after meningioma surgery 3.8 years Mixed methods Germany Meningioma patients who had undergone surgical resection (n = 133) Cross-sectional observational N/A Assess long-term impairments of HRQOL after meningioma resection in different ages -SF-36 -N/A - Neurosurgery
7 Zamanipoor, Najafabadi et al 2021 Long-term disease burden survivorship issues after surgery and RT of intracranial meningioma patients (median 9 years) Quantitative The Netherlands Intracranial meningioma patients (n = 190) Cross-sectional observational N/A Assess long-term disease burden in meningioma patients -SF-36
- Neurosurgery (surgery as initial treatment: 88%)
- Radiotherapy (radiotherapy as initial treatment: 5%)
23 Nassiri, price, shehab, Au, Cusimano, Jenkinson, Jungk, Mansouri, Santarius, Suppiah, Teng, Toor, Zadeh, Walbert, Drummond, Internatgional consortium and meningiomas 2019 Life after surgical resection of a meningioma: a prospective, cross-sectional study evaluating health-related quality of life 37 months (first assessment); 47.5 months (all assessments) Quantitative Australia Grade I intracranial meningioma (n = 181) Longitudinal observational Normative population Evaluate possible determinant of changes in global HRQOL -EORTC QLQ C30 -90 (functioning domains)
-5–10 (symptom domains)24
- Neurosurgery
12 Nassiri, Suppiah, Wang, Badhivala, Juraschua, Meng, Nejad, Au, Willmarth, Cusimana & Zadeh 2020 How to live with a meningioma: experiences, symptoms and challenges reported by patients 3 years (19.4%)
5 years (39.4%)
Quantitative Canada Meningioma patients (83%) (n = 1852) Cross-sectional observational N/A Explore the gaps in care of meningioma patients that would improve quality of care by better understanding - 19-item self-report questionnaire from American Brain Tumour Association -N/A - Neurosurgery (65.5%)
- Radiotherapy (28.3%)
- Chemotherapy (3.8%)
11 Najafabadi et al., 2019 Unmet needs and recommendations to improve meningioma care through patient, partner and health care provider input: a mixed method study (median) 66 months Mixed methods The Netherlands Suspected or confirmed Grade I or II meningioma patients (n = 16) Cross-sectional observational N/A Evaluate the current structure and issues faced by meningioma patients - Semistructured interviews -N/A - Neurosurgery: (92%)
- Radiotherapy: (25%)
25 Zamanipoor Najafabadi et al., 2018 The disease burden of meningioma patients: long-term results on work productivity and healthcare consumption (median) 10 years Quantitative The Netherlands Meningioma patients (n = 106) Cross-sectional observational N/A Impact of short and long-term neurological sequalae and HRQOL impairments on work productivity -SF-HLQ -N/A - Neurosurgery
26 Kangas, Williams, Snee 2012 The association between posttraumatic tress and health related quality of life in adults treated for benign meningioma 4.4 years Mixed methods Australia Meningioma patients previously treated with radiotherapy (n = 70) Cross-sectional observational N/A Objective investigate the incidence of MGM-related PTSS in patients who had been diagnosed and treated for primary benign MGM -Impact of Event Scale Revised
-Profile of Mood States
-Semistructured interviews
-One course of radiation: 60%
-Multiple treatments: 40%
27 Baba, McCradden, Rabski, Cusimano 2019 Determining the unmet needs of patients with intracranial meningioma—a qualitative assessment 10 years Qualitative Canada Patients with intracranial meningioma (n = 50) Cross-sectional observational N/A Determine the unmet needs of patient with intracranial meningioma -Semistructured interviews -N/A - Neurosurgery (96.6%)
- Radiotherapy [before surgery: (3.3%); after surgery (20%)]
28 Pintea, Kandenwein, Lorenzen, Bostrom, Daker, Velazquez, Kristof 2018 Factors of influence upon the SF-36 based HRQOL of patients following surgery for petroclival and lateral posterior surface of pyramid meningiomas 59 months (postoperative) Quantitative Germany Patients operated on for petroclival meningioma or lateral posterior surface of pyramid meningiomas (n = 78) Cross-sectional observational “Normal” population means To describe the patient’s self-assessed HRQOL -SF-36 -N/A - Neurosurgery
- Radiotherapy (15%)
29 Kalascuskas, Kerc, Ajaj van Cube, Ringel, Renovanz 2020 Psychological burden in meningioma patients under a wait-and-watch strategy and after complete resection is high results of a prospective single centre study 39 months Quantitative Germany Meningioma patients under a wait-and-watch strategy or no neurologic deficits after complete resection (n = 62) Cross-sectional experimental N/A Compare the psychosocial situation of meningioma under a wait and watch strategy to those who had undergone complete resections -Distress Thermometer
-> 3
-1-3 (mild); 4-7 (moderate) 8-10 (severe)
- “Wait-and-watch” strategy
- Neurosurgery
18 Tanti, Marsch, Jenkinson 2017 Epilepsy and adverse quality of life in surgically resected meningioma 3.9 years (median, time since surgery) Quantitative United Kingdom Patients who had undergone surgical resection for supratentorial WHO grade I meningioma (n = 229) Cross-sectional observational N/A Comparing HRQOL between MGM patients with and without epilepsy and between epilepsy patients with/without -FACT-BR
->45 of total LAEP score or > 8 of the number of severe LAEP items
- Neurosurgery
14 Kalkanis, Quinones-Hinojosa, Buzney, Ribaudo, Blac 2000 Quality of life following surgery for intracranial meningiomas at Brigham and Women’s Hospital: a study of 164 patients using a modification of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-brain questionnaire 33 months (mean), 28 months (median) Qualitative United States Patients who had undergone craniotomy for resection of an intracranial meningioma (n = 155) Cross-sectional observational N/A Determine the reported QOL of patient with meningioma that had been surgically treated Standardized QOL questions modified from the FACT-BR ->7 - Neurosurgery
30 Zamanipoor Najafabadi, van der Meer, Boele, Reijneveld, Taphoorn, Klein, van Furth, Dirven, Peerdema 2018 The long-term disease burden of meningioma patients: results on health-related quality of life, cognitive function, anxiety and depression 9.9 years (median) Quantitative The Netherlands Intracranial meningioma patients after antitumor therapy (n = 164) Multicenter cross-sectional observational Newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients Assess the long-term disease burden of meningioma patients -SF-36
- Neurosurgery: 89.2%, radiotherapy: 14.6%
15 Pettersson-Segerlind, Fletcher-Sandersjoo, von Vogelsang, Peresson, Kihlstrom, Linder, Forander, Mathiesen, Edstrom, Elmi-Terander 2022 Long-Term Follow-Up, Treatment Strategies, Functional Outcome, and Health-Related Quality of Life after Surgery for WHO Grade 2 and 3 Intracranial Meningiomas 13 years (grade II)
1.4 years
(grade III)
Mixed methods Sweden WHO Grade 2 and 3 meningioma patients surgically treated (n = 51 [12–13 patients for the HRQOL measures]; 43 Grade 2, 8, Grade 3) Population-based, observational, cross-sectional cohort study N/A Determine the HRQOL of long-term progression-free survival and overall survival for WHO Grade 2 and 3 intracranial meningiomas -EQ-5D-3L
-HADS, structured interviews
• GAD-2: >3
• PHQ-9: > 10 (mild); >15 (moderate to severe)
-> 7
-> 11
- Neurosurgery
31 Pettersson-Segerlind, von Vogelsang, Fletcher Sandersjoo, Tatter, Mathiesen, Edstrom, Elmi Terander 2021 Health-Related Quality of Life and Return to Work after Surgery for Spinal Meningioma: A Population-Based Cohort Study 8.7 years (mean) Quantitative Sweden Spinal meningioma surgically treated (n = 84) Population-based observational cohort study General population Assess the HRQOL and the frequency of return to work in patients surgically treated for spinal meningiomas compared to the general population -EQ-5D-3DL -GAD-2: >3
-PHQ-9: > 10 (mild); >15 (moderate to severe)
- Neurosurgery
17 Fisher, Najafabadi, van der Meer, Boele, Peerdeman, Peul, Taphoorn, Dirven, van Furth 2022 Long-term health-related quality of life and neurocognitive functioning after treatment in skull base meningioma patients 9 years (median) Quantitative The Netherlands Skull base meningioma (n = 89) Cross-sectional Convexity meningioma patients and informal caregivers of skull base meningioma patients Assess the long-term HRQOL and neurocognitive functioning after treatment in the long term -SF-36,
- Radiotherapy vs. neurosurgery

Abbreviations: BFI, Brief Fatigue Inventory; EORTC QLQ-C30, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Questionnaire Core 30; EORTC BN20, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer BN20 Brain Tumour module; EQ-5D-3L, 3-level version of EQ-5D; FACT, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy; FACT-BR, Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Brain; GAD-2, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale; HRQOL, health-related quality of life; LAEP, Liverpool Adverse Events Profile; N/A, not applicable; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire; SF-36, Short Form-36; SF-HLQ,Short Form—Health and Labour Questionnaire; WHO, World Health Organization.