Piezoelectric stimulation influences ATP levels, mitochondria membrane potential (ΔΨm), osteogenic differentiation-related gene expression, and mineralization in L-PDLSCs. (A) Schematic diagram of cellular experiment design. (B) Cellular ATP level of L-PDLSCs after various treatments for 3 days. n. s. p>0.05, ###p<0.001 vs. negative control (NC) without LPS (LPS−). ^^^p<0.001 significant differences between groups under LPS stimulation. (C) Representative ΔΨm fluorescence image and (D) quantitative analysis of the ratio of aggregates/monomers fluorescent intensity of L-PDLSCs after various treatments. **p<0.01 vs. NC US− group. ##p<0.01 significant differences between groups. (E, F) Osteogenic differentiation-related gene ALP (E) and RunX2 (F) expression of L-PDLSCs after various treatments for 5 days. *p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. NC US− group. #p<0.05, ##p<0.01 significant differences between groups. (G) Osteogenic mineralization-related ALP staining of L-PDLSCs after various treatments for 14 days, and (g) the relative ALP level in all groups. (H) Osteogenic mineralization-related ARS staining of L-PDLSCs after various treatments for 21 days, and (h) the relative ARS level in all groups. (NC US−: negative control without ultrasound; c-BTO US−: cubic BaTiO3 without ultrasound; t-BTO US−: tetragonal BaTiO3 without ultrasound; NC US+: negative control with ultrasound; c-BTO US+: cubic BaTiO3 with ultrasound; t-BTO US+: tetragonal BaTiO3 with ultrasound).