Figure 2.
Clemastine does not promote differentiation in homeostatic conditions. (a) Experimental design. Following 3 days of tamoxifen administration to induce Cre activity, 1 m or 6 m PdgfrαCreERT2:Tau-mGFP mice were given clemastine for 7 days in their drinking water before perfusion-fixation for immunohistochemical analysis. (b) Following tamoxifen administration in PdgfrαCreERT2:Tau-mGFP mice, newly differentiated oligodendrocytes are mGFP+. (c) OLIG2+mGFP+ newly differentiated mature oligodendrocyte. Scale bar 10 µm. (d–f) mGFP+OLIG2+ newly differentiated oligodendrocytes in the cingulate (d), motor (e) and somatosensory (f) cortices in control (left) and clemastine-treated (right) 1 m old mice. Scale bar 20 µm. (g–i) mGFP+OLIG2+ newly differentiated oligodendrocytes in the cingulate (g), motor (h) and somatosensory (i) cortices in control (left) and clemastine-treated (right) 6 m old mice. Scale bar 20 µm. (j–o) Clemastine administration did not increase the number of newly formed oligodendrocytes. Data are shown mean ± SEM, with grey dots indicating individual animals. Statistics were calculated by unpaired two-tailed t-tests, n = 3 for each group.