(A) MT assembly was monitored by measuring the increase in
turbidity (ΔOD350). 18 μM tubulin and 2 mM GTP were
incubated alone (black) or with 1 μM Abl2 (red) or Abl2Δ688-790
(magenta). Representative time series of OD350 measurements are
shown. Curves in the blue dotted window were expanded in the right panel. Lag
time of reactions with (red) and without Abl2 (black) are indicated with the
dotted line. (B) Turbidity assays with different tubulin
concentrations were performed and the maximal ΔOD350 was
plotted against initial tubulin concentration to determine the critical
concentration of tubulin polymerization. n = 3 replicates at each concentration
for each of these experiments. (C) The lag time until
ΔOD350 reaches 1/10 of the maximal
ΔOD350 was measured. The inclusion of Abl2 significantly
decreased the lag time for MT nucleation. Mann-Whitney test. n = 5. **, p
< 0.001. (D) Representative samples taken 10 min after
turbidity reactions were initiated were visualized under negative-stain EM. More
polymerized MT segments were observed in the presence of Abl2. (E)
Representative confocal images of the MT nucleation from the
Abl2-eGFP:Alexa647-tubulin co-condensates under 3% dextran. Control reactions
containing Abl2-eGFP and Alexa647-tubulin without dextran, or mixing eGFP and
Alexa647-tubulin with 3% dextran did not show observable MTs growing after 1 hr.
(F) WT COS-7, Abl2 KO COS-7, and eGFP-,
Abl2Δ688-790-eGFP-, and Abl2-eGFP-expressing Abl2 KO cells were treated
with 10 μM nocodazole for 1 hr, at which time nocodazole was removed and
replaced with complete medium. Immunofluorescence images of cells upon 5 min
after washout for quantification of MT reassembly from the microtubule
organizing center (white dashed inlets with expanded views in solid white
borders) shown. Scale bar, 25 μm. (G) The integrated
fluorescence intensity of recovered MTs was measured and normalized to the total
cell area. MT recovery values for each condition was normalized to the average
MT recovery of WT cells per experimental replicate. Welch’s t-test. n
≥ 25 cells analyzed across 2–3 experimental replicates. Data are
mean ± SD. *, p < 0.05; ****, p < 0.0001. See also Figure S3.