(A) Left: Representative Abl2-eGFP localization on a
37°C-overnight stored taxol-stabilized MT. Borders were defined as
boundaries on ‘healthy’ (“H”) structurally intact MT
segments adjacent to ‘damaged’ (“D”) segments,
demarcated with a blue arrow. Lattices were stretches that are ≥ 1/5 of
the total MT segment length away from either terminus. Scale bar, 3 μm.
Right: Quantification of MT and Abl2-eGFP intensities along the taxol-stabilized
MT shown on left. Dotted black line denotes the mean normalized MT fluorescence
intensity, which was used as the threshold for scoring a segment as
“H” or “D”. Normalized fluorescence intensity scale
bar shown on left. (B) Mean intensities of 1 μM Abl2-eGFP at
borders and lattices of healthy MT segments along filaments stored at
23°C and 37°C overnight. Means shown as solid horizontal black
lines, 25–75% quartiles shown as box plots. n ≥ 600 healthy
segments analyzed per condition. Wilcoxon rank sum test. ****, p <
0.0001. (C) Representative taxol-stabilized rhodamine-MTs stored at
37°C overnight (magenta) and repaired tubulin reporter (cyan). MT mixture
was supplemented with 2 μM Alexa647-tubulin (cyan), 10 mM GTP, and 10
μM taxol were allowed to incorporate at damaged sites for 3 hr at
37°C alone (i) or with (ii) 1 μM
Abl2-eGFP. Fluorescence intensities of MT and 647-tubulin were plotted. Dashed
magenta line denotes the MT intensity threshold (mean normalized fluorescence
intensity) to distinguish healthy from damaged segments. Dashed cyan line
denotes the reporter intensity threshold to score whether 647-tubulin reporter
is present or not. Scale bar, 3 μm. (D) Total tubulin
reporter fraction per MT was quantified per storage condition in the presence or
absence of 1 μM Abl2-eGFP. Data are mean ± SEM. n ≥ 50
filaments analyzed per condition. Wilcoxon rank sum test. *, p < 0.05;
**, p < 0.01. (E) Total number of repair/incorporation
events per MT was quantified per storage condition in the presence or absence of
1 μM Abl2-eGFP. n ≥ 200 incorporation events analyzed per
condition. Data are mean ± SEM. Wilcoxon rank sum test. ***, p <
0.001. (F) Representative kymographs of dynamic MT filaments in
presence of 10.5 μM rhodamine tubulin alone, or with 0.5 μM
688-924-eGFP, Abl2Δ688-790, or Abl2-eGFP. Yellow arrow denotes a rescue
event. Scale bar, 8 μm. (G) Rescue frequencies
(fres) were quantified for 10.5 μM rhodamine tubulin
alone, or supplemented with 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5 μM 688-924-eGFP, 0.5
μM Abl2Δ688-790, or 0.5 μM Abl2-eGFP. Data are means with
95% CI as black lines. Wilcoxon rank sum test. ****, p < 0.0001.
(H) MT lifetime distributions of filaments grown in presence of
0.5 μM Abl2-eGFP (blue), 0.5 μM 688-924-eGFP (red), and 0.5
μM Abl2Δ688-790 (green) relative to tubulin alone (black). Gamma
distributions were fit to MT lifetime histograms, shown in solid blue, red, and
green curves respectively, relative to tubulin control (solid black). Mean MT
lifetimes are denoted as dashed lines. (I) Severing assays
performed in TIRF chambers containing biotinylated, rhodamine GMPCPP-stabilized
MTs (pseudo-colored magenta) with or without 1 μM Abl2-eGFP supplemented
with 90 nM spastin and 2 mM ATP. Representative time series of MTs are shown.
Intensity decay curves of severed MTs quantified in (J). Scale bar, 3 μm.
(J) Mean intensity decays of MTs in absence (black) and
presence of 1 μM Abl2-eGFP (magenta) shown in scatter dots, and SEMs
shown as wider shadowing, respectively. Single exponential decay curves were fit
to the data, shown as dashed lines. n ≥ 200 filaments analyzed per
condition. See also Figure