Fig. 7.
Inhibition of SLC7A11 counteracted the protective effect of H2S on DOX-induced cardiomyocyte ferroptosis.
A-C, Representative blots and quantitative analysis of SLC7A11 and GPx4 protein levels in H9c2 cells (n = 3). D, the ratio of the GSH and GSSG in H9c2 cells (n = 3). E, The glutamate levels of supernatants from cultured H9c2 cells (n = 3). F, Cell viability of H9c2 cells (n = 3). G, The expression levels of Ptgs2 mRNA in H9c2 cells (n = 3). H and I, Representative images and quantification of intracellular lipid peroxide in H9c2 cells (n = 3). J, Representative images of intracellular ROS level detected by cell ROS fluorescent probe (Red) in H9c2 cells, and the quantitative analysis of the fluorescence intensities were shown in K (n = 3). L, Representative images of mitochondrial membrane potential detected by JC-1 fluorescent probe in H9c2 cells, and the quantitative analysis was established as the ratio of the JC-1 Monomers (Green) and JC-1 Aggregates (Red) in M (n = 3). N–P, Real-time oxygen consumption rates (OCR) and calculated basal and maximal respiration rates in H9c2 cells (n = 3). The data are presented as the Mean ± SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.001 vs. Vehicle group; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01, ###p < 0.001 vs. DOX group; ££p < 0.01 and £££p < 0.001 vs. DOX + NaHS group. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)