Table 2.
Variable | Asthma (ΔFEV1 and ΔFVC ⩽10% pred) (n = 2,574) | Asthma (ΔFEV1 or ΔFVC >10% pred) (n = 569) | P Value | COPD (ΔFEV1 and ΔFVC ⩽10% pred) (n = 1,808) | COPD (ΔFEV1 or ΔFVC >10% pred) (n = 396) | P Value |
Age, yr | 50.65 (17.20) | 49.61 (18.70) | 66.82 (9.10) | 67.47 (8.92) | ||
Men | 964/2,574 (37.5%) | 220/569 (38.7%) | 1,111/1,808 (61.4%) | 250/396 (63.1%) | ||
White race | 2,046/2,574 (79.5%) | 462/569 (81.2%) | 1,579/1,808 (87.3%) | 340/396 (85.9%) | ||
BMI, kg/m2 | 28.19 (6.75) | 28.12 (6.16) | 27.64 (6.18) | 26.96 (5.62) | * | |
Smoking status | ||||||
Current smoker | 202/2,574 (7.8%) | 53/569 (9.3%) | 502/1,808 (27.8%) | 117/396 (29.5%) | ||
Former smoker | 748/2,574 (29.1%) | 149/569 (26.2%) | 1,198/1,808 (66.3%) | 254/396 (64.1%) | ||
Never smoker | 1,624/2,574 (63.1%) | 367/569 (64.5%) | 108/1,808 (6.0%) | 25/396 (6.3%) | ||
Years since diagnosis | 18.99 (17.44) | 20.32 (17.37) | 7.91 (8.76) | 7.23 (6.37) | ||
Age at symptom onset | 28.39 (20.71) | 26.14 (20.48) | * | 53.25 (16.66) | 53.35 (16.87) | |
Lung function | ||||||
Post FEV1, % pred | 86.98 (20.42) | 86.14 (20.72) | 60.42 (23.16) | 59.06 (21.96) | ||
Post FEV1/FVC, % | 75.84 (11.75) | 71.43 (12.15) | *** | 56.63 (16.33) | 52.13 (15.96) | *** |
Post FEV1/FVC below LLN | 490/2,574 (19.0%) | 206/569 (36.2%) | *** | 1,153/1,807 (63.8%) | 311/396 (78.5%) | *** |
Post FEF25–75, % pred | 83.28 (38.33) | 74.41 (39.27) | *** | 48.73 (35.59) | 43.34 (36.65) | * |
Biomarkers | ||||||
Blood EOS, cells/μl | 220.65 (171.72) | 239.89 (168.60) | 175.10 (112.42) | 194.12 (162.64) | * | |
Blood EOS, cells/μl | * | |||||
<150 | 483/1,183 (40.8%) | 90 (32.6%) | 455/922 (49.3%) | 104/216 (48.1%) | ||
150–299 | 430/1,183 (36.3%) | 112 (40.6%) | 356/922 (38.6%) | 78/216 (36.1%) | ||
300+ | 270/1,183 (22.8%) | 74 (26.8%) | 111/922 (12.0%) | 34/216 (15.7%) | ||
⩾300 cells/μl | 270/1,183 (22.8%) | 74 (26.8%) | 111/922 (12.0%) | 34/216 (15.7%) | ||
FeNO, ppb | 30.11 (27.54) | 40.98 (36.51) | *** | 19.48 (16.52) | 21.61 (21.33) | * |
FeNO, ⩾25 ppb | 997/2,326 (42.9%) | 298/515 (57.9%) | *** | 374/1,540 (24.3%) | 84/330 (25.5%) | |
Blood neutrophils, 109/L | 4.53 (1.84) | 4.50 (1.95) | 5.07 (1.83) | 4.88 (1.86) | ||
Exacerbations and symptoms | ||||||
⩾1 mod/severe exacerbation last 12 mo | 834/2,569 (32.5%) | 211/568 (37.1%) | 683/1,806 (37.8%) | 156/396 (39.4%) | ||
⩾1 admission for exacerbation last 12 mo | 97/2,569 (3.8%) | 42/568 (7.4%) | ** | 229/1,806 (12.7%) | 50/396 (12.6%) | |
SGRQ total score | 29.98 (20.58) | 35.82 (22.12) | *** | 41.89 (21.77) | 45.17 (20.81) | ** |
Freq wheezing last 3 mo | 567/1,744 (32.5%) | 141/378 (37.3%) | ** | 616/1,311 (47.0%) | 142/271 (52.4%) | |
Freq productive cough last 3 mo | 423/1,741 (24.3%) | 114/377 (30.2%) | *** | 489/1,310 (37.3%) | 110/271 (40.6%) | |
Freq breathlessness last 3 mo | 585/1,755 (33.3%) | 162/381 (42.5%) | *** | 681/1,312 (51.9%) | 144/272 (52.9%) | |
mMRC dyspnea grade ⩾2 | 503/2,479 (20.3%) | 148/559 (26.5%) | *** | 964/1,783 (54.1%) | 225/389 (57.8%) | |
Respiratory medications | ||||||
Reliever only | 246/2,348 (10.5%) | 63/526 (12.0%) | 116/1,616 (7.2%) | 35/350 (10.0%) | ||
ICS (any) | 1,990/2,348 (84.8%) | 441/526 (83.8%) | 938/1,616 (58.0%) | 194/350 (55.4%) | ||
ICS + LABA, no LAMA | 1,379/2,348 (58.7%) | 272/526 (51.7%) | ** | 230/1,616 (14.2%) | 46/350 (13.1%) | |
Triple ICS + LABA + LAMA (open/fixed) | 302/2,348 (12.9%) | 89/526 (16.9%) | *** | 616/1,616 (38.1%) | 118/350 (33.7%) | |
LAMA + LABA, no ICS | 31/2,348 (1.3%) | 8/526 (1.5%) | 547/1,616 (33.8%) | 118/350 (33.7%) | ||
Add-on treatments | 644/2,348 (27.4%) | 124/526 (23.6%) | 122/1,616 (7.5%) | 28/350 (8.0%) | ||
OCS maintenance | 63/2,348 (2.7%) | 26/526 (4.9%) | *** | 18/1,616 (1.1%) | 6/350 (1.7%) | |
Biologics | 221/2,348 (9.4%) | 71/526 (13.5%) | ** | — | 1/350 (0.3%) | |
Medical history | ||||||
Chronic bronchitis | 33/2,574 (1.3%) | 7/569 (1.2%) | 66/1,808 (3.7%) | 13/396 (3.3%) | ||
Emphysema | 45/2,574 (1.7%) | 13/569 (2.3%) | 728/1,808 (40.3%) | 164/396 (41.4%) | ||
Bronchiectasis | 133/2,574 (5.2%) | 24/569 (4.2%) | 117/1,808 (6.5%) | 31/396 (7.8%) | ||
Obstructive sleep apnea | 196/2,574 (7.6%) | 34/569 (6.0%) | 166/1,808 (9.2%) | 42/396 (10.6%) | ||
Allergy (excluding food/drug) | 1807/2,574 (70.2%) | 395/569 (69.4%) | 302/1,808 (16.7%) | 62/396 (15.7%) | ||
Chronic rhino-/sinusitis | 1581/2,574 (61.4%) | 334/569 (58.7%) | 254/1,808 (14.0%) | 41/396 (10.4%) | * | |
Nasal/sinus polyps | 147/2,574 (5.7%) | 36/569 (6.3%) | 13/1,808 (0.7%) | 2/396 (0.5%) | ||
CHD (MI or HF) | 29/2,574 (1.1%) | 11/569 (1.9%) | 139/1,808 (7.7%) | 29/396 (7.3%) | ||
Type 2 diabetes | 206/2,574 (8.0%) | 47/569 (8.3%) | 293/1,808 (16.2%) | 54/396 (13.6%) | ||
Hypertension | 588/2,574 (22.8%) | 127/569 (22.3%) | 813/1,808 (45.0%) | 177/396 (44.7%) | ||
GERD | 372/2,574 (14.5%) | 60/569 (10.5%) | * | 264/1,808 (14.6%) | 42/396 (10.6%) | * |
Osteoarthritis/unspecified arthritis | 209/2,574 (8.1%) | 39/569 (6.9%) | 195/1,808 (10.8%) | 50/396 (12.6%) | ||
Osteoporosis | 108/2,574 (4.2%) | 27/569 (4.7%) | 114/1,808 (6.3%) | 22/396 (5.6%) | ||
Thyroid disease | 193/2,574 (7.5%) | 44/569 (7.7%) | 168/1,808 (9.3%) | 27/396 (6.8%) | ||
Depression or anxiety | 337/2,574 (13.1%) | 75/569 (13.2%) | 271/1,808 (15.0%) | 51/396 (12.9%) |
Definition of abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; CHD = coronary heart disease; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EOS = eosinophils; FEF25–75 = forced expiratory flow, midexpiratory phase; FeNO = fractional exhaled nitric oxide; Freq = frequency; GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease; HF = heart failure; ICS = inhaled corticosteroids; LABA = long-acting β-agonists; LAMA = long-acting muscarinic antagonists; LLN = lower limit of normal; MI = myocardial infarction; mMRC = modified Medical Research Council; OCS = oral corticosteroids; pred = predicted; SGRQ = St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire.
P values are based on the chi-square test for categorical variables and one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis H-test for normal or nonnormal continuous variables, respectively. Numbers without percent correspond to the standard deviation. Asterisks indicate level of statistical significance as follows: ***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; otherwise, the field is left empty.