Extended Data Fig. 3. Alanine scanning in BRCA2 loHAP hESCs and hiPSCs.
a, Normalized allele frequency changes in categories (in-frame indels, synonymous, non-sense and frame-shift mutations) in exon 11 assayed in diploid and BRCA2 loHAP hiPSCs, represent as log2 (day 21/day 7). P values report the significant comparisons between diploid and BRCA2 loHAPs in each category, in two-tailed Student’s t-test. Centre showing mean and error bars showing SEM. n represents biological replicates. b, Quantification of categorized allele frequencies (unedited, in-frame indels, HDR alanine substitution and frame-shift mutations) in exon 2 assayed in diploid and BRCA2 loHAP hiPSCs and hESCs at day 7 and 14 after editing. Bars showing mean of 2 or 3 biological replicates and error bars showing SEM. c, Allele frequencies of designer mutations in BRCA2 exon 2 alanine scan in diploid hPSCs at day 7. Bars showing mean of 3 biological replicates and error bars showing SEM. d, Same as in c, for BRCA2 loHAP hPSCs. e, Quantification of the relative depletion of in-frame and frame-shift mutations in different frequency groups in BRCA2 loHAPs. Cells were edited in exon 2 performing alanine scanning as described in Fig. 3d–g and samples collected at day 7 and 21 after editing in BRCA2 loHAP hPSCs. Frame-shift and in-frame alleles were binned into three groups based on their allele frequency (>0.5%, 0.05–0.5% and <0.05%) and the bars showing median and whiskers showing interquartile range. f, Allele frequency changes overtime of mutations generated in BRCA2 exon 2 alanine scan in diploid hPSCs, represented as log2(day 14/day 7), circle and log2 (day 21/day 7), triangle. Bars showing mean and error bars showing SEM. Data points represent biological replicates. g, Normalized allele frequency changes upon treatment of PARP inhibitor, Niraparib, of BRCA2 exon 2 alanine mutations in diploid hPSCs, represented as log2(drug/mock). 1 µM, circle; 2 µM, triangle. Allele frequencies were normalized against corresponding WT. Bars showing mean and error bars showing SEM. Data points represent biological replicates. h, Same as in g, for Olaparib treatment.