DegTE-gene chimeric transcripts expressed during human embryonic development
(A) Summary of relative positions of degTE-derived exons in TcGTs.
(B) The expression distributions of degTE-associated TcGTs during human embryonic development. GV, germinal vesicle oocyte; MI, metaphase I oocyte; MII, metaphase II oocyte; ICM, inner cellular mass.
(C) A heatmap summarizing expression changes of degTE-associated TcGTs during embryonic development. Expression levels are normalized by their maximum expression level. The heatmap was split into four clusters (the numbers shown on the left) based on k-mer clustering.
(D) A Sashimi plot indicating the number of splicing events observed for a gene, AKTIP, where a chimeric transcript with a degTE, MIRb, was found. Splice junctions with more than 10 supporting reads are shown.
See also Figure S7 and Data S4.