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. 2024 Feb 7;15:1325186. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2024.1325186


Influence of the assumed value for observed values below the limit of quantification in the final PK/PD model.

Model Emax, % inhibition E0, % inhibition EC50, µM R2
BLQ = 0
 Estimate 72.0 13.5 6.33 0.8418
 % RSE 7.36 22.2 29.9
 95% CI 61.4, 82.6 7.48, 19.5 2.54, 10.1
BLQ = LQ/2
 Estimate 75.9 8.78 5.48 0.8430
 % RSE 6.34 43.44 32.11
 95% CI 66.3, 85.6 1.13, 16.4 1.95, 9.01
 Estimate 81.4 2.59 4.66 0.8439
 % RSE 6.02 211.9 35.1
 95% CI 71.5, 91.2 −8.43, 13.6 1.38, 7.93

BLQ, below the limit of quantification; Emax, estimated maximum effect; E0, estimated minimum effect; EC50, hexasodium fytate concentration associated with 50% maximum effect; LQ, limit of quantification (0.758 µM); %RSE, 100*standard error/estimate.