Table 1.
Baseline characteristics of patients needing PICU and non-PICU receiving allogeneic HCT between 2008 and 2014 at a center reporting to VPS
Characteristic | PICU (n = 1 067) | Non-PICU (n = 5 928) | Total (n = 6 995) |
Demographics | |||
Age at transplant | |||
0 to <1 | 131 (12) | 534 (9) | 665 (10) |
1-4 | 250 (23) | 1 348 (23) | 1 598 (23) |
5-12 | 370 (35) | 2 135 (36) | 2 505 (36) |
13-21 | 316 (30) | 1911 (32) | 2 227 (32) |
Sex | |||
Male | 624 (59) | 3 480 (59) | 4 104 (59) |
Female | 443 (41) | 2 448 (41) | 2 891 (41) |
Race∗ | |||
White | 692 (65) | 4 316 (73) | 5 008 (72) |
Black or African American | 177 (17) | 810 (14) | 987 (14) |
Asian | 53 (5) | 303 (5) | 356 (5) |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | 4 (0) | 13 (0) | 17 (0) |
American Indian or Alaska native | 9 (1) | 53 (1) | 62 (1) |
More than 1 race | 51 (5) | 128 (2) | 179 (3) |
Ethnicity∗ | |||
Hispanic or Latino | 234 (22) | 1 412 (24) | 1 646 (24) |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 808 (76) | 4 309 (73) | 5 117 (73) |
Nonresident of the United States | 11 (1) | 138 (2) | 149 (2) |
Insurance group† | |||
Private/military/dual insurance‡ | 246 (23) | 1 555 (26) | 1 801 (26) |
Public insurance only | 180 (17) | 989 (17) | 1 169 (17) |
Uninsured | 10 (1) | 44 (1) | 54 (1) |
Median household income by ZIP code‡ | |||
Median (IQR) | 51 985 (40 733-66 239) | 52 393 (41 536-69 484) | 52 348 (41 323-68 775) |
BMI status at HCT§ | |||
Underweight | 90 (8) | 493 (8) | 583 (8) |
Normal | 497 (47) | 2 965 (50) | 3 462 (49) |
Overweight (adult only) | 10 (1) | 64 (1) | 74 (1) |
Obese | 114 (11) | 606 (10) | 720 (10) |
Missing | 356 (33) | 1 800 (31) | 2 156 (32) |
Pretransplant-related | |||
HCT-CI∗ | |||
0 | 671 (63) | 3 967 (67) | 4 638 (66) |
1 | 152 (14) | 758 (13) | 910 (13) |
2 | 61 (6) | 323 (5) | 384 (5) |
3+ | 181 (17) | 835 (14) | 1 016 (15) |
Performance score∗ | |||
100 | 554 (52) | 3 160 (53) | 3 714 (53) |
90 | 332 (31) | 1 832 (31) | 2 164 (31) |
≤80 | 164 (15) | 818 (14) | 982 (14) |
History of mechanical ventilation∗ | |||
No | 918 (86) | 5 358 (90) | 6 276 (90) |
Yes | 143 (13) | 511 (9) | 654 (9) |
History of invasive fungal infection∗ | |||
No | 982 (92) | 5472 (92) | 6 454 (92) |
Yes | 81 (8) | 399 (7) | 480 (7) |
Disease group (subdisease breakdown insupplemental Table 1) | |||
Malignant disease | 600 (56) | 3 413 (58) | 4 013 (57) |
Nonmalignant hematologic disease | 264 (25) | 1 569 (26) | 1 833 (26) |
Primary immunodeficiency | 134 (13) | 671 (11) | 805 (12) |
Inherited disorders of metabolism | 66 (6) | 258 (4) | 324 (5) |
Other disease | 3 (0) | 17 (0) | 20 (0) |
Malignancy status before transplant‖ | |||
Early disease | 218 (20) | 1 280 (22) | 1 498 (21) |
Intermediate disease | 219 (21) | 1 264 (21) | 1 483 (21) |
Advanced disease | 52 (5) | 299 (5) | 351 (5) |
Transplant-related | |||
Transplant center size | |||
Tertile 1 (>122 allogeneic HCT) | 779 (73) | 3 876 (65) | 4 655 (67) |
Tertile 2 (48-122 allogeneic HCT) | 184 (17) | 1 626 (27) | 1 810 (26) |
Tertile 3 (<48 allogeneic HCT) | 104 (10) | 426 (7) | 530 (8) |
Time from diagnosis to transplant for malignant diseases only (mo), median (min-max) | 7 (0-162) | 8 (0-200) | 8 (0-200) |
Prescribed conditioning intensity | |||
MAC | 761 (71) | 4 367 (74) | 5 128 (73) |
RIC/NMA | 295 (28) | 1 498 (25) | 1 793 (26) |
No conditioning | 9 (1) | 48 (1) | 57 (1) |
Conditioning intensity/TBI use | |||
MAC-TBI | 345 (32) | 2 091 (35) | 2 436 (35) |
MAC-no TBI | 413 (39) | 2 262 (38) | 2 675 (38) |
RIC/NMA | 295 (28) | 1 498 (25) | 1 793 (26) |
No conditioning | 9 (1) | 48 (1) | 57 (1) |
T-cell depletion, CD34+ selection, or ex vivo expansion | |||
No | 993 (93) | 5 622 (95) | 6 615 (95) |
Yes | 72 (7) | 302 (5) | 374 (5) |
GVHD prophylaxis | |||
T-cell depletion | 70 (7) | 279 (5) | 349 (5) |
Post-CY ± other(s) | 7 (1) | 25 (0) | 32 (0) |
CNI + MTX | 414 (39) | 2 902 (49) | 3 316 (48) |
CNI + MMF | 374 (35) | 1 473 (29) | 2 117 (30) |
CNI ± others | 187 (17) | 862 (15) | 1 049 (15) |
Other/unknown | 11 (1) | 98 (2) | 109 (2) |
No GVHD prophylaxis | 4 (0) | 19 (0) | 23 (0) |
ATG/alemtuzumab use | |||
ATG alone | 399 (37) | 2 307 (39) | 2 706 (39) |
Alemtuzumab alone | 2 (0) | 10 (0) | 12 (0) |
No ATG or alemtuzumab | 379 (36) | 2 391 (40) | 2 770 (40) |
Missing | 287 (27) | 1 220 (21) | 1 507 (22) |
Graft type | |||
Bone marrow | 601 (56) | 3 421 (58) | 4 022 (57) |
Peripheral blood | 155 (15) | 907 (15) | 1 062 (15) |
UCB | 311 (29) | 1 600 (27) | 1 911 (27) |
Donor type (BM and PB only)¶ | |||
HLA-identical sibling | 186 (17) | 1 674 (28) | 1 860 (27) |
Other related | 89 (8) | 340 (6) | 429 (6) |
Well-matched unrelated (8/8) | 310 (29) | 1 578 (27) | 1 888 (27) |
Partially matched unrelated (7/8)/mismatched unrelated (≤6/8) | 164 (15) | 666 (11) | 830 (12) |
Unrelated, match unknown | 7 (1) | 66 (1) | 73 (1) |
Donor/recipient CMV serostatus∗ | |||
+/+ | 254 (24) | 1 217 (21) | 1 471 (21) |
+/− | 77 (7) | 552 (9) | 629 (9) |
−/+ | 224 (21) | 1 139 (19) | 1 363 (19) |
−/− | 190 (18) | 1 346 (23) | 1 536 (22) |
CB-recipient positive | 197 (18) | 841 (14) | 1 038 (15) |
CB-recipient negative | 109 (10) | 733 (12) | 842 (12) |
CB-recipient CMV unknown | 5 (0) | 26 (0) | 31 (0) |
Donor/recipient ABO match† | |||
Matched | 103 (10) | 729 (12) | 832 (12) |
Minor mismatch | 46 (4) | 277 (5) | 323 (5) |
Major mismatch | 37 (3) | 238 (4) | 275 (4) |
Bidirectional | 11 (1) | 74 (1) | 85 (1) |
CB | 252 (24) | 1 306 (23) | 1 558 (23) |
Donor/recipient sex match∗ | |||
M-M | 250 (23) | 1 539 (26) | 1 789 (26) |
M-F | 165 (15) | 962 (16) | 1 127 (16) |
F-M | 177 (17) | 1 007 (17) | 1 184 (17) |
F-F | 163 (15) | 810 (14) | 973 (14) |
CB-recipient M | 196 (18) | 927 (16) | 1 123 (16) |
CB-recipient F | 115 (11) | 673 (11) | 788 (11) |
Baseline characteristics for all study participants.
ABO, ATG, antithymocyte globulin; BMI, body mass index; BM, bone marrow; CML, XX; CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; CB, cord blood; MTX, methotrexate; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; MAC, myeloablative conditioning; NMA, nonmyeloablative conditioning; PB, peripheral blood; post-CY, posttransplant cyclophosphamide; RIC, reduced intensity conditioning; TBI, total body irradiation.
Variables with minimal missing data are noted as follows: race, n = 386 (6%); ethnicity, n = 83 (1%), HCT-CI, n = 47 (0%); performance score, n = 135 (2%); history of mechanical ventilation, n = 65 (1%); history of proven invasive fungal infection, n = 61 (1%); prescribed conditioning intensity, n = 17 (0%); conditioning intensity/TBI use, n = 34 (0%); T-cell depletion, n = 6 (0%); donor type, n = 1 (0%); donor/recipient CMV serostatus, n = 85 (1%); donor/recipient sex match, n = 11 (0%).
Variables with significant missing data are noted as follows: insurance n = 3971 (57%); ZIP code median income, n = 2630 (38%); donor/recipient ABO match, n = 3922 (56%). High missingness is due to variables only being collected for the approximately half of CIBMTR patients who participate in the data-intensive research track.
There are 8 cases who had both Medicare and Medicaid, these were grouped into dual insurance.
Children (aged from 2 to <20 years), BMI is adjusted by sex and age (months) according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention smoothed growth charts with percentile cutoffs as follows: underweight (<5%), normal weight (5%-84.9%), overweight (85%-94.9%), and obese (≥95%). Adults aged ≥20 years, BMI is interpreted using standard weight status categories as follows: underweight (<18.5), normal weight (18.5-24.9), overweight (25.0-29.9), and obese (≥30.0). These categories are the same for men and women of all body types and ages.
Does not include NHL/HL, CML, unknown/MDS.
Donor type: multidonor n = 3 (0%).