Figure 2.
PRC1 regulated early folliculogenesis by controlling the transition from PFs to SFs. (A, G) Hematoxylin staining of 1-week, 3-week and 2-month-old ovary sections. Red arrows mark abPFs. Orange arrows mark atretic follicles. (B) DDX4 staining (red) and nucleus with Hoechst (blue) staining showing the follicular development in 3-week-old ovaries. Dotted lines mark follicles. (C) H2AK119ub1 staining (green) in 3-week-old ovaries. Dotted lines mark follicles. Images with the same threshold are on the right. (D, E) GC layers and thickness of follicles in 3-week-old ovaries. n = 301 follicles (WT), n = 324 follicles (dcKO). (F, H, I) Number of follicles in 3-week, 1-week and 2-month-old ovaries. n = 3. (J) Hematoxylin staining of 3-week-old ovaries after gonadotropins injection. Arrow marks abPF. (K, M) Morphology and number of ovulated oocytes. n = 3. (L) Number of abPFs and AFs on PMSG 44 h. n = 3. (N) Number of total follicles and abPFs at specific timepoint. n = 3.