Fig. 3.
An illustrative mechanistic diagram showing the protective effect of genetically predicted plasma caffeine levels on osteoarthritis liability(a), mediated through body mass index(b). The figure extends to a representation of our findings that genetically predicted caffeine levels drive consumption behaviour(c), but not vice versa(d). In keeping with our findings, prior studies have reported a positive association between caffeine consumption and body mass index and osteoarthritis risk(e). Mendelian randomization estimates are scaled per one standard deviation increase in plasma caffeine levels and are shown with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals in parenthesis. Citations included [1] Cornelis et al. (2016); [2] Nicolopoulos et al. (2020); [3] Lee (2018); [4] Zhang et al. (2021). Abbreviations: AHR: aryl hydrocarbon receptor, BMI: body mass index, CYP1A2: cytochrome P450 isoform 1A2. This figure was created using